🎉🎉🎉 Announcement: Personalized Custom Training Plans! 🎉🎉🎉

You have manual overrides for such situations during the plan set up, it’s very flexible unlike some training platforms.

Come on in, the water’s fine :wink:


Question on associating an outdoor ride with the training plan in your calendar. Outdoor rides show up as outdoor (example group ride) but even though I auto sync with Garmin the ride does not get associated unless I manually go into the ride and match it. Reading the documentation here https://support.trainerroad.com/hc/en-us/articles/4404974155675-How-to-Use-Outside-Workouts-with-Adaptive-Training#:~:text=Planned%20TrainerRoad%20Workout-,Automatically,-Before%20completing%20the it sounds like it should happen automatically. Am I missing something?

After more than a year away from TrainerRoad, I signed up 10 days ago and made a training plan for a Gran Fondo in April 2025. I’m very motivated for the training and for following my plan.

I’m in my late 50s so the Master Plan seems right to me. I choose a balanced training approach and 4 workouts per week.

AI FTP detection sugested FTP 231, I did a 20 min ramp test that said FTP 244. I choose 244, because this test usually is very conservative for me.

My plan startet out with two weeks of workouts before the first week of restitution. This restitution is a little early I think, but ok, I guess TrainerRoad knows better than me.

More worrying is that I se no increasing TSS over the period, except within every 3 week training block - increasing from around 200 or 210 to 230 TSS. Then one week of restitution and next training block starting at around 210 and so forth all the way until my Gran Fondo late April. Only one week, two week before the event, is goes past 230 TSS - 237 TSS, which still seems way to low!

Can this be right? I would have expected, that the training intensity and volume would increase over time! This is how I remember my TrainerRoad training plan from 2 years ago.

I know that AT is adjusting the workouts, but it only does so two weeks ahead.

Two days ago I finished Mooses Tooth -2 (Threshold 2.4), gave the evaluation Hard (the first hard workout I have had in this training plan), it did not suggest any adaptation, so my next threshold workout is in 12 days, Auburn which is 1.4.

Today I did Steamboat +1 (Sweet Spot 2.2), gave the evaluation Moderate. No adaptations was suggested so my next sweet spot workout is in 14 days is Fox 1.4.

I know I should not progress too fast, but is this a solid training plan?


Its Adaptive so will increase tss as you progress through the plan. Don’t worry about it.


+1 on the value of ramping volume. I know theoretically you can prep for a big event without doing the full duration, but that has not worked for me historically and I’m sure I’m not the only one. Long training rides help dial in nutrition, position adaptation, pacing, just to name a few benefits.

I get the intended purpose of Progression Levels, but just upping the intensity of what is supposed to be an endurance day while keeping it time-boxed to say 2 hours is just not gonna cut it if the event duration is well over 2x that, especially mixed terrain or off-road where physical demands are higher and drafting opportunities are fewer. Looking forward to the feature update to address this!


Is it by design, that the training plan does not show any expected progression? That seems odd to me, and I do not recall it being so some years ago…

There was a comment by TR a couple of days ago saying the display showing no progess of workouts is a bug. Apparently theyre working on a fix. But that it will progress as expected.

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But it will as you go through the plan. The workouts can change after every workout. And rather than a set progression they will adapt up and down as your body needs. This is better.


I heard Nate on the newest podcast say that there’s a new feature coming out or is out. This will have ,onthoy check in’s which will recommend or not recommend more volume.
There’s a lot more to what he said but it sounds like something I wanted to hear too

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Thank you. Yes, I know the workout will adopt, but I do not agree that it’s better not to show any expected progression through the plan. And as I recall it did show progression a couple of years ago…

Thank you! I wasn’t aware that TR acknowledge that this is a bug. Looking forward for the fix.

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Yup! @krg82 is correct :slight_smile:

If you want to use Plan Builder for time/day options but have a specific Build/Specialty Phase you want to follow, granted there are no events, the best way to go about it is to select To Train for Other Goals>>>>Discipline>>Goal and see what suits you best.

Alternatively, you can always manually create your own training plan by adding each phase to the Calendar.

I know it’s not cool to bump your own post but wanted to circle around and tag @Nate_Pearson. The favorite is kind of like a thumbs up… any way the personal plan could pull from the workouts we prefer?

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I’ve noticed that my plan is offering adaptations more often on the new plan than on the old plan. Is that because it’s taking a closer look at each ride to see how I’m progressing, or it is simply an artifact of only being on the new plan for a few weeks?

Either way, I’m pretty happy with how its going. Just trying to understand the program a little better.

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Is it possible to get an estimate of what your FTP will be after the plan has been completed, based on 100% compliance?

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@Caro.Gomez-Villafane - do you mind clarifying the differences between the different goal types (i.e. Increasing FTP vs. Building Endurance vs. Improving Climbing, etc.)?

I’ve been playing around the with different goals in building my custom training plan and the differences in the types of workouts recommended are not clear to me. They all seem very similar at a quick glance. Thanks!!


This is core to my unanswered question as well. ie. How to choose discipline. It feels like “improve climbing” is misleading if that is intended to mean short punchy climbs. I’m planning a trip to the alps and want to “improve climbing” for real mountain climbs. Seems in this case, the best discipline may be “building ftp”? An explanation on the definition of these new options would be very helpful. A big miss that this hasn’t been addressed anywhere officially yet.


With my new customised training plan, it doesn’t look like solo rides push to head units or can be selected to be outdoor rides like past TR workouts. Have I missed why this is?

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Anyone what?

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If it’s not operating as expected and documented in their link, I’d contact TR support.