🎉🎉🎉 Announcement: Personalized Custom Training Plans! 🎉🎉🎉

Why does the general fitness (raise ftp) option not factor in events?

I redid my plan last night. I don’t need openers for every event but it put workouts on days with events.

Was having a play about with what settings bring up what plans and tried a new plan for general fitness with ftp increase and used balanced training approach.

It came back with 9 workouts over 6days, Thursday is a double workout day and Friday has 3. Dread to think what the more aggressive training load would come back with :hot_face:

Started one of these plans last week and I really wish it would give an idea as to why it adapts the plan like it does. My computer crashed in the last 5min of an endurance workout, completed to survey as easy, which it was but since then it’s been trying to reduce the pl of my endurance workouts, and I don’t know why.

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There may be some adaptation happening as you go along?

Also I read/heard somewhere that there would be a review after X weeks of the current approach and volume is still fine or should be adjusted, but I may have dreamed that up. In that case it would be a good suggestion for improvement.

Can you give us a screenshot?

As others have said, volume seems really low. What I’d like to see would be some rationale from the planner. If, for example, TR is cutting hours, but making the remaining days more intense because reasons (historical data, or indications from my cohort), “showing your work” would be more confidence inspiring. This doesn’t have to be revealing the TR secret sauce, it could simply be “you’ve averaged X TSS, and Y intensity distribution. Based on Z reasons, we recommend this”.


Because you’ve told it that your focus is general fitness or to raise FTP, not focus on events. If you have a workout on an event, just delete that workout for the day and your event will be your workout.


Yes, the plan should theoretically adapt as weeks go on, but it seems counter-intuitive that out of the gate TSS isn’t increasing over time. Especially as phase types (e.g., Base, Build) repeat.


Your preview is showing as intended. Training Progression goes way beyond TSS and not all TSS is created equal. As your Training Plan progresses, it will include more intensity and race-specific efforts rather than simply increasing overall training volume, so TSS doesn’t reflect this dimension of progression.

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Yep! @cbounds, if you want your Training Plan to be built around your Events, you should choose “To Prepare for an Event” in the section of Plan Builder that asks “What are you building a Plan for?”.

Otherwise, this is a great suggestion! Thanks @MI-XC!

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Hmm, that shouldn’t be the case. I can only see Thursday and Friday from that screenshot. Did you move Workouts around to different days?

If you remember the exact steps you took to get that result (9 workouts over 6 days), I’d like to see if I can reproduce the issue.

Looking at your Training Plan now, it looks good! I can see that you are on a High Volume Training Plan with 6 Workouts/ week.

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Yeah I selected general fitness, ftp increase, 2 month pal and aggressive. I didn’t move anything around. Though it seems have settled down now. I was just playing about to see the difference between aggressive and balanced plan. Balanced plan was also kicking out 2 days with 2 separate workouts. It seems to have stopped doing it now if I create a new plan. So don’t know what was going on. :man_shrugging:t3:

Okay, I’m glad you are no longer seeing this behaviour. If you notice it again, please let us know!

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@SarahLaverty - so when I select General Fitness → Discipline: Road (3 month duration), the goals of “Building Endurance” and “Increasing FTP” give me the exact same plan.

Is that to be expected? Thanks!

Following up on the launch of this feature. Happy to hear the advancements it offers and thrilled to see how quickly TR team mobilized to address issues.

My question: I was an early adopter (created plan on Day 1) - 3 month with focus on increasing FTP. With the updates that were done in the background to address / make improvements do I need to restart or will the schedule be automatically updated along with workout recommendations?

Thank you.


Any release would be great, but almost everyone in tri has a different want/need across the disciplines. Some people want to run more frequently, some want to ride more frequently - some even want to swim occasionally. And then there’s lifting.

Then, often opposing what people want, is what they need to get faster. Could the analysis of past training determine a recommendation to run more, bike less for example? Swim more, run less. Etc.

These factors usually change through the year, particularly when you pick up a run injury like I have, which is common.


I’ve typically followed the old low volume plan in the offseason, which was generally 3 days of hard intervals. The new plans are suggesting 4 days of training, which is the same 3 days of hard intervals plus a day of endurance. My question is this…from a training perspective, how much difference should be expected in training improvements by adding one hour of easy riding per week? Intuitively, it doesn’t feel like this would do much, but I can’t say for sure. Additionally, if I only hit that extra training day say every other week given other life commitments, I assume the 3 hard days would stay roughly the same for the plan? Just wondering if it’s better to keep the suggested volume knowing that I might not always make the 4th day or if I should override it to only 3 days and manually add a fourth day of endurance when I am able so as not to mess the plan up.


Have the ways in which scheduled plans can develop/evolve as you progress through them changed as a result of the Custom Training Plan release being discussed on this thread, or is this release solely about front-end changes for choosing and building the initial plan?

@kosmo886, I see your concern :slightly_smiling_face:

Adding an extra hour of easy endurance riding can have a positive impact on your aerobic development, even if it doesn’t feel as significant as the hard intervals. While it may not directly contribute to high-intensity adaptations, endurance riding helps with recovery, aerobic base building, and mitochondrial efficiency. Over time, this can lead to better stamina and resilience, especially when layered on top of intense workouts.

If you’re only able to hit that extra training day every other week, it won’t drastically alter the effectiveness of your plan, but it can provide incremental improvements. Sticking to the plan’s 4-day structure when possible will give you flexibility without adding much fatigue, as that 4th day is lower intensity.

However, if you’re concerned about not consistently hitting that 4th day, manually setting a 3-day plan and adding endurance work as you’re able is also a good option! This keeps the plan stable while allowing you to adapt it based on your schedule.

Whatever you choose, don’t let the inconsistency of not being able to hit the endurance rides every week stress you out—maintaining the quality of the 3 hard sessions is the most important factor and it seems like you’re gold there :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey @John_Barclay! As @Caro.Gomez-Villafane mentioned ealrier in this thread, it is expected. At first, the workouts will look similar despite your goals.

That is because the constant variable is you and your current fitness. Your current fitness is always the starting point. As your fitness progresses over time, it will adapt with consideration of your current fitness and your goals (and the energy systems used in that type of riding, as Carolina mentioned).

I’m sorry that I can’t predict exactly how your fitness is going to evolve and therefore can’t show you eactly what your Training Plan will entail. But you’ll see this unfold as you progress through the Training Plan.

I hope this helps. Hang tight :slight_smile: .

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