🎉🎉🎉 Announcement: Personalized Custom Training Plans! 🎉🎉🎉

:face_holding_back_tears: :heart_hands: we appreciate you.

No need to rebuild your Training Plan! All fixes/ updates/ changes will be applied automatically :raised_hands:.


@JoeX Interesting suggestion! I’ll pass this onto the team :handshake:.

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The way the Training Plans are built and progress have changed. Put simply, by gathering the information from your Training History and future goals, we are able to toailor the approach so that the Training Plans are even more customised to you.


Thank you very much!

So if I’m understanding this correctly, although both “Building Endurance” and “Increasing FTP” look exactly the same at first, the adaptations will likely be different (all things being equal).

Having a plan and a schedule makes the ride better for me. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I finish a workout, even if its the third easy zone 1/2/3 workout in a week. If I didn’t get something from the plan, I wouldn’t need TR!.


That’s what I was saying - everyone is different! I personally hate having a schedule and being told what my ride is going to be - this is why I have had a lot of trouble committing to TR. I think they make a great product, but I’m hesitant to sign up again based on my history of ghosting my plan lol.

One more thing I overlooked. I had followed the low volume plan before and did two 60 min and one 90 min hard interval rides per week. The suggestion now is for two 60 min and one 45 min hard interval ride plus one 60 min endurance ride. Total time in the updated plan is up 15 mins, but intensity is reduced. Can you explain why this might be? I have to assume that I’d have more adaptations by going back to the original low volume schedule, or by increasing the third hard interval day from 45 mins to 90 mins
right? I’ve selected balanced as the option. Even upping to demanding doesn’t give me a 90 min hard interval ride. Just adds a fifth day and extends the endurance ride to 90 mins and adds a 30 min easy day for the fifth.

Just hesitant to “drop” my intensity/hard intervals for this offseason. Wondering what the science behind no hard interval days beyond 60 mins is.


Food for thought for those of us who aren’t racing: it would be great to have the option of an extensive (e.g., extending the length of threshold and below intervals) instead of increasing the intensity of the intervals. Especially for those of us over 50.


+1 for extensive programming. Even for those of us that are racing, there are plenty of reasons for doing extensive work.


This is probably the key reason for me manually overriding my TR-generated plans - or simply scheduling my own blocks manually

I have a gazillion workouts across various zones that I’ve favorited/starred as being useful for progressing duration (vs. intensity), making it easier for me to select a replacement workout with a similar PL to the one that TR was suggesting for me. Be nice to have an option instructing the machine to favour extensive progression automatically, or for it to just figure out when this approach or intensive progression work should be preferred!


I could have done with this today when Storm Ashley came. The group ride was cancelled. This will become more common over the winter, so I hope the feature to swap to an appropriate indoor workout won’t be too far off.

I used the TrainNow recommendation but was a little surprised to get a climbing workout rather than endurance given the Group Ride instructions were to go easy and let the group go if necessary. Is that because TrainNow isn’t forward looking and has seen I’ve had an easy recovery week already so upped the intensity whereas the plan knows what is coming up and still wants to keep things easy, ready for the upcoming more intense workouts?

I’ve set up a plan with no goal or event just improving FTP. In a couple of weeks time we’ve decided to make a day of it and the normal 3 hour road group ride will be a 7 hour gravel ride with a lot more climbing and likely double the TSS. What’s the best way to enter this into the plan and get the VO2 workout the day before and after reduced? Is it to increase the intensity and duration of the scheduled group ride or remove the group ride and add a C event? I’ve tried both and don’t get any adaptations. I read elsewhere in this thread that the adaptations for tapers will happen nearer the time, how much nearer? I altered a ride in the next few days to be more challenging to test this but didn’t get an adaptation, how quickly after a change to the plan should I get the adaptation message?

Context and feedback on the custom training plan. You’ll probably see from my training history that despite being a long term subscriber I don’t follow a plan and use the TrainNow feature when I can’t ride outdoors. I was intrigued by the new plan so thought I’d give it a go. Typically I ride with mates a couple of times a week and usually get a red or yellow light the day after. The reason I ride is for the social aspect. I’m not going to drop these rides and miss out on seeing my mates plus the ride intensity won’t change based on my training needs, it’s based on who is pushing the pace. Mark is a half wheeling git! Therefore in my instance, the plan needs to be tailored around what I normally do.

I did wonder given how the new plan is marketed to analyse my past riding history and not require an A event if it would it recognise the pattern to my riding i.e. ~3 hour outdoor rides on Wednesday and Sunday and then give me a plan around this. It doesn’t. Obviously, it gives me the option to select the days I train and whether they’re outdoor group rides or indoor turbo sessions. I altered the Wednesday and Sunday slots to give me 3 hour outdoor group rides. I notice on every 3rd week the outdoor ride duration and intensity reduce so I’ll have to increase them back up. It’d be nice to set fixed sessions in place.

What is the historical analysis looking for? Is it what my current riding looks like or how experienced with interval training am I or something else?

Given the above I think when the wizard runs and is analysing my training history there should be a summary of what it has learnt and how it will be applied to the custom training plan. I’ve no reason to believe that it’s custom otherwise.

I think that the output of the historical analysis could also be that it states on average you ride on a Wednesday for this duration, with this intensity, with this average TSS shall we use that in your custom plan going forward and enter this as a fixed Wednesday session. Likewise for Sunday.

If the plan were truly custom and learning from my history could it summarise as an output what I need to work on to get better at what I currently do. It doesn’t matter to me if this is climbing or raising FTP for example, just build the plan that makes me faster based on what my outdoor rides need most. Or is this the same issue as WLV2?

I’m aware that the Wednesday and Sunday group rides are currently generating lots of red lights. If the output of the history analysis is that this is detracting from my potential, should it tell me this and set me a plan to get better at what I currently do if that is my goal? It might even say stop riding as you are for 8 weeks and we’ll get you properly to the level required to ride like that.

I would hope that a personalised custom training plan would incentivise me to improve and therefore be a reason to stick to a plan. The incentivisation seems missing in the instance of not having a competitive event to train for since the plan doesn’t tell me what it’s doing for me and why. I chose FTP increase but I could just as easily have chosen climbing, which is best for me?

I could just carry on riding Wednesdays and Sundays as I am, enjoying the rides and doing other activities on the days Trainerroad suggests a workout, what would I miss out on?

HTH Scott

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You’ve summed it up well. TrainNow operates independently of any plan you may have and the longer term goals the plan’s geared towards, and instead looks only at what workouts/rides you’ve just done recently to inform its recommendations.


TrainNow offers up three rides (with the option to change duration to get even more).

I just clicked TrainNow to see what it is offering me today.

Today’s workout is 60mins/40TSS/Endurance2.7 labelled Endurance

The alternatives are

60mins/64TSS/Sweetspot6.0 labelled climbing
60mins/97TSS/VO2Max8.5 labelled attacking

Yes, TrainNow always offers 3 workout suggestions - “Climbing”, “Attacking” and “Endurance” - with one of those 3 suggestions highlighted as the Recommended one. Which one of the 3 is recommended depends on what TN sees you as having just done in your immediate ride history, eg. if it sees you’ve just done intensity it will recommend the endurance workout, etc.

The key thing is that its suggestions are not informed by any plan that you may be following, and its recommended suggestion just depends on what you’ve done in the day or two prior. Quoting TR’s Sean from an earlier post:

TrainNow will give the same suggestions whether or not you’re on a training plan, and no matter where you are in your training plan. So those endurance, climbing, and attacking rides it recommends are all appropriate to your Progression Levels in the respective zones, but do not take into account rest days or the upcoming days’ scheduled training. If you’re on a training plan, defer to your plan’s recommended workouts. TrainNow is intended for athletes not on a plan or those who like to occasionally choose structured workouts, and is not meant to replace a training plan’s periodization (the rhythm of train/rest/repeat).

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TrainNow is definitely giving personalised suggestions, because it’s playing hardball with me and just refusing to co-operate on a red light day:

Just. Stop. Training.

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For clarity’s sake, this is expected behavior – TrainNow won’t recommend workouts on red days. There does seem to be a display bug, though – you should get a message on that page that looks like this:

We’ll fix that issue in the app so everything is presented as it should be.

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TrainNow’s suggestions are personalized - I don’t think anyone’s claiming otherwise - but they’re not informed by your plan, only by your history. Whether you have an active plan running or not, TN’s suggestions, and which of the three it highlights as recommended - will be the same, informed solely by your past history. The presence of a plan doesn’t change this, as it doesn’t look at your plan. So no trying to steer to you towards, or substitute for, what’s coming up next on your plan if you have one.


In many ways some of the confusion over adaptive plans is the same as the 1990s waterfall delivery of IT compared to the 2020s agile delivery of product.

1990s decide in advance what we will do, then create a plan to do it, then execute the plan
then bring in audit to find out why it didn’t work. Repeat.

2020s decide why we want an outcome, continually change how we achieve it, post on social media about how amazing we are. Repeat.

I prefer the new world, with all its flaws.

I think there’s a typo. Audit should be adult :rofl::rofl:


The information you give us (while going through Plan Builder) about your discipline, goal and desired time to train helps us choose the right energy systems to target and optimise while you move through your Training Plan. There is significant overlap between the energy systems required for “Building Endurance” and “Increasing FTP” but the adaptations may differ depending on what energy system should be targetted given all of the other information we have at hand.