I’m starting to feel like half the time i come hear and whine but i’m really struggling to figure this out. So last time i was complaining about not being able to do V02 Max. This time it’s that my FTP has fallen after the triathlon base phase. Just frustrated as i really want my ftp to go up lolll.
The core of my theory is that i’m either overtrained (from low volume, ugh). or that I may respond better to a different mix of programming.
Life Context: sleep 7.5-8 hours, pretty stressful at work (desk job), eat paleoish, i’ve gained weight over the course of training (not good weight, then again i have eaten a bit too much on weekends) but have had pretty bad food cravings (could be overtraining related, not sure)
September: Started sweet spot base 1, tested at 199
October: Started sweet spot base 2, test at 216 (a bit of inconsistency at the the beginning but not bad)
December: Wheels starting come come off at the end of Sweet Spot Base II. No worries Christmas Vacation is coming
January: After 2 weeks of skiing i hop back into it at Half Distance Base. I retest lower 211 (no surprise, i took 3 weeks off, drank and skied every day, ran occassionally)
January: get sick. this is likely the 2 weeks of skiing and partying catching up, 2 weeks of basically no training
February: I end up re-starting the plan, no big deal. I didn’t retest but workouts didn’t seem too bad so i kept with it. Fitness improved and heart rate came down as the plan progressed.
March: Reached the end of Half Distance, well almost. The final hard week wasn’t kind to me and i failed Dade -1. Feeling really fatiqued after workouts.
Today: Retested and got an FTP of 203 (this was after a super easy week as you can see from the chart), feeling pretty tired from the FTP test.
*i was lifting relatively heavy twice a week, low volume but high weight
Potential Overtraining Symptoms: (or maybe i’m just reading into things too much)
- I’m sleeping 8.5-9 hours a night now and still pretty tired
- i feel overheated and fatigued after workouts for most of the rest of the day (is this normal)
- food cravings (i’m pretty sure i had these before)
- works still felt pretty good and performance was ok (except V02 max)
- kinda affraid of the V02ma workouts on the trainer now
- though i didn’t get sick, which is what i normally see as a red flag
Not even 300 of cycling TSS there but oh well. This is my starting point. This is my second year of going at it and after a pretty good sweet spot base 1 & 2 i was feeling hopeful. Fortunately i think my event might be cancelled so my silver lining is i can blow up my training and go back to the drawing board without consequence.
So here are my theories/paths forward.
Option 1
- I’m over-trained, take time off (no idea how much, 2 weeks, 3 weeks) I know it’s a judge it and see how it goes
Option 2
- I’m over-trained, but given that i’m not 100% sure maybe i just do traditional base low volume 1 to recover then go into sweet spot base
Option 3:
- I’m overreacting, hop into triathlon build with maybe an extra week off.
Thoughts? Thanks guys
General Future Path: (if i really am overtraining)
I think i need the true rest weeks of sweet spot base and sustained power built. I feel like the triathlon rest weeks aren’t low enough volume/intensity for me. I think the modified Sweet Spot base / builds plans probably suit me better moving forward.