Hi Everyone. I am on a low volume plan and enjoying the training and the results (up 25 watts from November). I am on a climbing road race plan, and am currently half way through SSB2. I have been doing the standard Tue/Thu/Sat workout schedule, with an endurance ride on Sundays - nothing major, just 2+ hours or so of mostly Z2, outdoors if I can. I strength train on Wednesday and Friday.
With the weather getting better here in the UK, my local group rides are starting back every Sunday. These are not really slow cafe rides, as they can be quite fast. They tend to be 60+ mile rides with an avg speed of approx. 19mph over 6,000ft+ of elevation. It’s mostly Tempo and high-end endurance work, with some climbing time spent at SS and supra-threshold too.
So, my question is around scheduling my LV plan around this Sunday group ride. Ideally, I would have Saturday off so that I’m fresh to give my best during the group ride. That said, I don’t really want to give up any of my scheduled TR workouts…
I’m considering doing the TR workouts on Tues/Weds/Fri, which leaves Mon/Thu/Sat free to fit in my strength training.
Has anyone got any suggestions? Am I biting off more than I can chew here?