Any TrainerRoad users in the SF Bay Area? Looking to conduct in-person interviews

Hi there. I’m Daniel, a product designer here at TrainerRoad. I’m looking to connect with a few of our users in the Bay Area for a ride, a coffee/beer, or both to discuss TrainerRoad.

Comment below if you’re interested and I’ll reach out to you with a private message. If we get a good group, we could potentially do a group ride.



PM me if you are driving thru Sacramento

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Michigan is great this time of year :roll_eyes:, I’ll sit down for a coffee with ya.


Im coming back to SF 25-3 so if we have a group ride, coffee and chat about TR… Im down :wink:

Sure! I can join if near Palo Alto.

I’m in Oakland but I am frequently in the south bay. Happy to talk.

I’m in Alameda.

I’m new and in San Rafael.

In San Mateo - happy to help

I’m happy to connect. :slight_smile:

Let me know when you are in Atlanta

I’ll be in Auburn, CA, from 23-30 Dec … won’t have a bike on this trip though.

Cupertino - Really enjoyed the Rapha/Podcast ride this year.

I’m in Santa Clara / Santa Cruz.

I’m in the South Bay, usually around Sunnyvale and San Jose. I’m up for a ride and a beer!

@daniel I live in San Francisco and work in Santa Clara. Let me know if either works

In sf. Ping moi!

If you are looking for new users, I am in San Jose.

If you are looking for epic rides to join :wink: . Ride List

I’m in the south bay. Always up for a ride and a TR chat! Beer works too :grin: :beer:

I am in San Francisco and would be interested.