Anyone have a Saris MP1?

Possibly looking to purchase one at Rei with the 20% off. I know it is quite expensive still but with working from home now I am planning to do longer endurance style rides. I short I will get a bunch of time in the saddle. I already have a Saris H3.

Any pros/cons outside what @dcrainmaker and @GPLama said on the reviews.

Edit: thanks @mcneese.chad. I always forget to assign a category.

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Couple of comments in related threads:

Thanks and saw those. Just seeing if there were any additional experiences out there.

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I ordered one using the REI 20% off coupon. It said they are back ordered, but hopefully won’t take too long. Looking forward to trying it.

Same here and supposedly will arrive on or close to my bday. Hopefully before and looking forward to it.

Also starting traditional base MV which I am sure this will help with.

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Mine arrived. Really like it so far. Movement is subtle but makes a difference.



Sweet. I really like mine for sure. 2 hour ride today and easy