Thought I would see if anyone else around here falls into the same age category and would like to share some insights and/or experiences.
I’m 61 years old, so that’s why I put the “plus” on there.
I just finished week 5 of mid volume 1 and I’m about to embark on Sweet Spot base mid volume 2 in a couple of weeks. Looking for advice on whether I should add extra recovery weeks, e.g. 2 weeks on, 1 week recovery, etc.
Also, I did something a little different for mid volume 1 where I only did 4 out of the 5 workouts, skipping the harder over/under workouts. Frankly, I was pretty tired of the suffering and needed a break from that type of workout. (I found those 3x20 sweet spot workouts quite challenging though). I’m planning on doing the same thing for mid volume 2 where I skip 1 of the scheduled workouts, which will be determined as I go along. Not sure how that will affect FTP growth, but I’ll find out soon.
I’m in the same group, having just turned 60. I completed the Base Low volume I, and am a week away from finishing Base LV II. So far, so good and I plan on starting the Sustained Power Build when I’m done with base.
I also try to add a freeride on Sundays which is either outdoors or on Zwift, and which does not follow any training plan: I try to do ~2 hours of whatever the road gives me.
So far, so good. My approach is to do the ramp test and just accept that my FTP is lower than the young bucks’. I’m currently at 138 W of FTP, although having just done LaMarck’s 4*10 minutes at FTP quite easily, I think my FTP must have increased. TrainerRoad workouts scale to your FTP, so my Lamarck gives me the same 84 TSS that some young guy at 300W+ gets. I don’t see the need for extra rest days (yet) since the workouts scale to what I’m capable of, and I’m always going to be pushing what I’m capable of, whatever my age.
On max heart rate, I use 220-age as my max rate. I don’t think there’s any great theory behind that formula, and I’ve seen more complex formulas that don’t have any more theory to support them, and only come out a few beats/minute different anyway. As I look at it, if my HR is >160 I need to back off, and I’d need a cardiologist, not an internet chat group, to convince me otherwise.
So, my view is that, unless you have a specific medical condition, age is just a number and doesn’t need any special treatment. Do your FTP test, and let TR scale the workouts to suit. Don’t get your heart rate too high, but do push yourself. And stop if you need to.
Hiya, I’m a near 62yo triathlete. I have my ‘A’ race for next year as a Full Distance Tri in July. To that end I will be following the Full Distance Triathlon plans. My swimming is what it is and I cannot swim enough to get any faster so I concentrate on technique and efficiency. From what I have learned myself and the TR podcasts I intend to focus on the bike leg this time round hoping to complete all the bike sessions. I hope to control the fatigue by rationing my run sessions. I have also become very calm about substituting workouts depending on how I feel, this includes missing workouts. We older athletes need our rest.
60 yo. I did the SSB HV1 and HV2 last winter and completed both successfully to the letter, back-to-back without a break. Probably my best early season condition/ outdoor riding coming off those plans. FTP of 280-ish and have never at any age in my life felt any different in my enthusiasm towards my training. Same PE for workouts over the years but at a lower power level with the increase in age. Some of the SSB workouts were hard but completable and not exhausting to recover from, and stay on schedule, assuming you have your FTP set properly. If you can’t finish the workout, your ftp is set too high. No need to test, just lower your ftp setting 5 watts a crack until you can finish the workouts and feel like you still have a bit extra energy in the tank. No need to get too scientific.
I’m a young 58. The thing I’ve noticed is that I’m more prone to getting side-tracked due to injury that when I was younger. I’ve broken a few bones and but I’ve also just pushed too hard and hurt something. Injury and frequent, long work trips that are very physically demanding (long hours and not enough sleep). You know, I’ve never been this age before, so I’m not quite sure how the body will respond or heal. I’m trying to dial up the consistency with less emphasis on intensity, rather than hammer for until I get hurt. -Jim