Anyone Try Using a Garmin Charger Power Pack With Garmin Virb Ultra 30 Camera

I’m buying a Garmin charger pack to use with my Edge 520 on my Randonneur rides. I also have a Garmin Virb Ultra 30 camera that I use to record my daily rides (in case I get run over). The Virb camera battery is usually only good for an hour and a half, so I was wondering if anyone has tried using the power pack with the Virb. On the Garmin website, the Virb is not listed as a compatible component.

Sorry I can’t answer for this specific combo, but I have a first edition Virb (not the 30) and I plugged a generic battery into it for long rides and this worked. The Garmin charge pack does suggest that it supports charging other devices: “… any compatible fitness device with an additional cable” so I don’t see why not :thinking: