Is anyone else having troubles with the TR workout screen going blank?
The last two times I used TR, the app screen went blank after I finished. This morning, I downloaded the workout and reduced the screen to the band sized app so I could ride while watching Strade. Midway through my warm up the screen went completely dark and blank and I could not operate it. Had to close the app and reload and after I finished the screen went blank. This is essentially the same problem I had for several weeks at about the time they commenced the group workout functionality.
Yes, the TR customer service people are very responsive, but after over four years with zero issues I’ve had the same issue twice over the last couple months and after the bug was supposed to be fixed?
Bugs have a way of recurring with the same symptoms but totally different causes. And who’s to say it’s not your tablet OS, or Windows or even your isp that’s at fault? Contact support. They can look into it. They might not even know it’s a problem and be thankful your reached out.
Also… grumpy… name checks out.
Right. I emailed them this afternoon. My last experience with customer service was amazing. They were remarkably responsive and the follow up was way more than I expected. The last time this occurred it turned out I was not alone in having the problem and a few weeks later they included a fix in one of their updates.
The reason why I posted in the forum was to see if anyone else was having a problem. If not it might just be my laptop or windows.
Also, you spot it, you got it.
But also, and I am genuine here, thanks for your suggestions.