The progression levels seem to be merely Training Zones by another name, eg, Endurance 70%, SS 80%, VO2Max 90%, etc?
However, what do workouts in these Levels/zones develop? Is it things like:
Aerobic Power
Aerobic Endurance
Aerobic Capacity
Anaerobic Power
Anaerobic Capacity
Anaerobic endurance
Muscular Endurance
Various Thresholds - whatever they really are
What do these things need, or develop?
What would benefit a Crit Racer, from a MTB XC, Time Trialist, short or long distance Triathlete, tour rider, etc?
Doesn’t really answer my thoughts, but thank you.
Humans generate energy via three systems: phosphagen (ATP-PC), glycolytic, and oxidative. Not that I am asking about them directly, but these are well established, formal, scientific categories of our energy systems. AT says the Progression Levels are energy systems, but clearly not these 3? So, even more confusion.
Progression Levels are a comparative ranking of your current capabilities to train and ride in each training zone, at your current FTP. For instance, relative to my FTP I’m not always as able to complete difficult Threshold Intervals as I might be to complete difficult intervals within my VO2 max training zone, but these capabilities change with training and a different balance of abilities is desirable in each discipline. Progression levels are a way for us to track these strengths and weaknesses, and assign more suitable workouts that target each specific skill set as you work towards a goal event or discipline.
And you’re correct, Training Zones are related to energy systems, but they aren’t the same. Training Zones are a well-established way of organizing the spectrum of physiological demands that occur while riding at different intensities, and help conceptualize how the burden shifts between the body’s 3 energy systems in a way that’s understandable and relevant to the actual experience of cycling. Sometimes the phrase Energy Systems is used synonymously with “training zone” in conversation (as I did in that quote) but that’s not correct. Training zones are really just a way to quantify and organize training at different intensities, with the intention of addressing the specific balance of energy system capabilities that your discipline requires. We use a power-based seven zone model, you can check out a blog post on it here.
I hope that helps!
Assuming you are in the Adaptive Training Beta, the Progression Levels are shown on the Career page of the TrainerRoad apps and website of your account.
This is in a Beta program now (Data above was a typo, that I just fixed), so you will only have access to Progression Levels if you get invited to the current Beta test program, or when they fully release Adaptive Training to all users.