Are there any workout programs for cycling beginner that are free and work well?

Are there any workout programs for cycling beginner that are free and work well?

I’m prefer e-version of spreadsheets.


I used GCN workouts on YouTube. Free. They are exercise. I built my workouts kind of like my lifting routine. V02 max Monday. Easy Tuesday. Wednesday was longer sustained. Thursday rest. Friday easy. Saturday long rides. I had no clue what I was doing. Hell, I was using a stationary bike. But I was doing something.

Good luck m8


Not free, but you can buy used copies of Time Crunched Cyclist - Carmichael, Base Building for Cyclists - Chappell, and Training and Racing with a Power Meter -Coggan and Allen for less than the cost of a canned plan.

And I’d pick up Scientific Training for Endurance Athletes by Skiba, too.


i’ve recently put together an 8 week base program i’ve shared privately with a few friends i’m helping out. i’ve debated putting it out for public, although if I did I’d prob just ask for a nominal fee like $10 just because I did put some work into it regarding progression and flexibility. Plenty of free programs out there if you search, but I’d also recommend supporting the intellectual work of people financially if you can swing it


Almost all of the Spinerval workout videos are on YouTube….you’ll have to gauge your effort according to the instructions, but that is simple to do.

Used these for years before controllable trainers came out.

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I remember doing a routine out of bicycling magazine way back. It was much after my racing career, but before TR. i think it was like a 4-5 day routine with two of the days having some tempo/ss like efforts guided by either RPE or HR - no doubt you can do a search for something like that and get started.
I guess it wasn’t free though, since I bought the magazine.

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I know you said free, but compared to the going rate, these plans are practically free: BCA | Endurance Sports Coaching (
As a beginner, I used these plans for 2 years and was very happy. Recommended them to others who were also quite happy. You use these plans with the free version of TraininPeaks. Johnathan Mellville is in London and is very responsive if you need him. I recently switched to TR is because I feel I am week at V02 max, and wanted to see how AT works for me in that zone. (Heart attack that left 20% of my heart useless). I have no hesitation in recommending BCA’s “practically free” plans to anyone.

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Think both Indievelo & MyWhoosh offer free training plans & virtual worlds to do the workouts in (like Zwift)

Doesn’t Garmin also have something if you have one of their head units?

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thank you very much!

British Cycling used to have free plans, but looks like they now charge for them. I found a few links to some of the old free versions below. If you look around, you may be able to find more.


Thanks a lot!