I am using my new Assioma and old Tacx for the second time with TR. This time | read about power match and here is what I am getting. The trainer does increase resistance at each interval but there is still quite some oscillations.
My candence was relatively steady. both pedals, and trainer calibrated and both with last firmware.
Any idea how to get a more “flat” output?
I am using power match in “new” mode. I was not able to find the differences anywhere between the modes. Any ideas?
Are you talking about the yellow power line graph?
If so, that looks pretty normal to me, for a pedal based power meter.
You mention you have a Tacx trainer. If it is one of their wheel-on trainers, they commonly report VERY SMOOTHED power data. It is artificial and unnatural. This gives new power users a false impression of how smooth power can be reported.
What you see above is “real power” and typical for actual power meters and higher quality trainers that report power data accurately, with minimal smoothing.
Essentially, there is nothing wrong and you need to get used to seeing power graphs like this.
Thanks Chad.
I am indeed using a wheel-on trainer and last winter had no power meter, explaining my surprise.
This is what I was used to see as power output curve…
Anybody has any idea about the difference in power match modes?
Yeah, that is “fake” power data in the form of overly smoothed info. It is not real and not something attainable with real power meters and related data.
Here is the primary help file for PowerMatch:
If you are asking about the difference between “Auto” and “Manual”, you typically want to use Auto. The delta between a trainer and power meter is not often a fixed number. If it was, and you knew that differential, you could use the Manual option.
But more often than not, the difference in pure wattage shifts from low to mid to high power levels. Because of this, the Auto mode is best, so TrainerRoad can do dynamic adjustments to keep your power set appropriately based on your power meter.
If I am not mistaken there are 4 modes for power match: Auto, manual, disable as explained in the link you shared, but another one that said “new” if I am not mistaken.
While the other are relatively self-explaining, the “new” is not really.
I disregarded “Disable” since it turns PowerMatch OFF.
The “New” is likely related to the latest version of PowerMatch that is supposed to be much improved. I suggest using that one if you have the option, and see how it goes. Feedback on it seems quite positive from what I have read.
Maz, I can second what Chad says about the uneven power line. I literally use the exact same set up that you use (Assioma Uno and Vortex w/power match) and all of my power curves look like your first example. Moving from only the power on the smart trainer I thought that there must be some problems with either the trainer, the Assioma unit or power match. I have since found that it is just the extreme power smoothing of the Vortex.
After getting used to the “messy” power line I actually think that I have been able to focus on really trying to pedal fluidly and smooth out my pedal stroke. Whereas with the Vortex only power, there is no way to know if you are pedaling efficiently or not.
I have been using a Vortex and Assioma combo since the Assioma’s were released and you get used to the messy line after a while. Aslong as you are hitting the IF and TSS targets for the workout then I would not worry.
I use my Assioma UNO with a Bkool Smart Pro 2. This thread might provide some info for you but to date i still see similar oscillations to yours…seems fairly normal for power match. You’re unlikely to get the smooth power data you are looking for.
You’re being pointed in the right direction here for sure, but nonetheless, it’s a good idea to email the Support Team at support@trainerroad.com, or submit a request online with any Power Match issues or inconsistencies.
This way, the team can a) look at your internal ride log to see if theres a fix, and b) better manage and document known problems.