Has anyone else compared the power output from Assoima Duo pedals vs. Wahoo Kickr Core? I recorded both on my last two rides and compared them with the DCRainmaker analyzer (ave. power of 175 on one ride was 175, and 240 for the other). The power numbers track very well, except the Kickr Core was about 10 watts higher throughout both rides. Just wondering if that is normal or if anyone else has seen this.
I have just received a set of Assioma Duos and was planning on testing them against my Kickr Core. I will feedback to here with the result.
How did you record both power readings at once? I have a Bolt and a Garmin FR that will record power. Do I just need to have one power source linked to the Bolt and the other to the Garmin FR?
First ride I, recorded my TR workout (Shasta) with the Kickr Core (connected via bluetooth), while simultaneously recording the Assioma Duo power data for the ride on my Garmin Fenix 5 (connected via ant+).
Second ride, I recorded my TDZ Stage 8 Zwift ride with the Kickr Core (connected via ant+), while simultaneously recording the Assioma Duo power data for the ride on my Garmin Fenix 5 (connected via ant+).
I have the assioma unos. I find that they read about 10% higher than my kickr core.
Look at that analysis again. I’d bet the Assioma gets a much better read of your cadence. The Kickr Core, just guesses.
Thanks @Niall_Quiggin
10% seems like a large difference. But it makes more sense to me that your pedals read a higher power than the trainer. I would assume some power loss from the pedals to the Kickr Core. I asked the question because I thought it was weird when I noticed that my Kickr Core was reading higher than my pedals.
I just adjust my assiomas so they read the same. Works fine for me.
Use one source and forget about the other. I would suggest use the Assimoas and powermatch indoors and the Assimoas outdoors also as you can’t really use the kickr on an outdoor ride
That’s a actually what I do. I have used power match since I got the pedals. I was just curious how close they were.
I’ve a different trainer (an elite Suito) and I was curious at first too but realised it was pointless comparing them👍
I have the Duos and a 2018 Kickr. They consistently track within 1% across the power curve except very short durations (1-5 sec) depending on the workout, which is expected. Here’s the power curve from Monitor +1 this morning.
When was the last time you did a spin down on the Kickr or calibrated the Assiomas? I spin down the Kickr on the weekend, make sure it continues to track the Assiomas, then calibrate the pedals mid week, and ensure they continue to track. Repeat weekly.
I calibrate the pedals before each ride and I had performed a spin down over the weekend.
My Core Reads about 7W higher than my Assioma Duo, and the Kickr Bike reads 3W lower den the Assioma Duo. Thats on a Ramp Test and on different rides dual recordings simultaneously
Power Smoothing off on the kickr not sure if that makes a difference or if it is just Visual
Kickr Power Smoothing on or off does not change how the trainer responds in any mode (e.g. sim, erg, resistance, or standard). However, it does change the data that gets reported to the app / head unit and may hinder your ability to compare to a second power source. I used to really like seeing the ultra smooth lines when Power Smoothing as enabled on the Kickr. Now that I have power pedals, I prefer Power Smoothing off.
I have a kickr core and assioma duo pedals too. I’ve noticed temperature seems to have an impact on how close they read to each other.
My cave can get quite cold and is sometimes 0 - 2 C. At these lower temperatures the kickr tends to read about 10w or so higher than the assioma’s. Not sure if its the kickr over reading or the assioma’s under reading due to the cold temperature.
Once the temperature gets into the 10-20 C range they read much more closely together.
For reference I calibrate my Assioma’s with Garmin HU before every ride and the kickr core gets a spin down calibrations once per week.
When you do a Ramptest in TR once with Smooting on and once off exactly the same test.Will you get the same result?
My Kickr Core typically is ~ 10 watts higher than the Assioma Duos but I normally do everything using the Duos since they can go outdoors too.
For power in the range 200W-250W I have typically seen the Kickr Core showing 10W-15W higher than the Assioma Duo’s.
You would normally expect the Trainer to report ~10W lower because of losses in the chain.
Exactly our Drivetrain has gains not losses