Back to TR? thoughts and suggestions

So after around a year being coached, and c.3 months JRA, I’m considering coming back to some structure and more targeted intervals in preparation for the CX season. Now I’m over 40 I can race with the masters and I may actually have a chance at finishing in the top half of the pack :rofl:

I’d also like to try and get to 4.5w/kg. Arbitrary but I’d like it.

So for the past 6 months I’ve been averaging about 11.5 hours per week, with highs of 15 and lows of 9. TSS has been about 600 average with highs of 790.

In honesty the volume has worked. I’ve added 25w to my FTP in that time and broken the 4w/kg barrier. My ramp test today had me at 292 at 71kg. That’s with no structured intervals whatsoever for at least 2 months. I’ve just ridden a lot and attacked the odd hill now and then.

However, I know come September/October I won’t have 15 hours most weeks and the darker nights will mean more trainer sessions. I’ll still be able to (and will want to) do a long (3-4 hour) ride on Sunday, and would like to do my standard ‘cross brick on Fridays (40 gravel ride practising mounts/dismounts, 20 min trail run, repeat x2 working up to x3) and was thinking about adding in 2 pretty hard interval sessions (maybe Tuesday and Thursday).

I’d be interested to know what others think of this plan, and how I might go about integrating it with TR? Or would I be better just going for the standard low volume and add the long ride and the brick?

Thanks in advance.

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