I’ve just started Base Phase Low Volume but due to various commitments, I’m struggling to carve out enough time to complete x2 1 hour sweet-spot sessions mid-week. However, I can probably do x4 half hour sessions before the 1.5 hour threshold weekend session.
Would you recommend completing a half hour version of the sweet-spot session twice e.g. rather than Carilllon (1hr) and Tallac (1hr), do Carilllon-5 twice (0.5hr) and Tallac-5 twice (0.5hr) or perhaps do Carilllon-5 once (0.5hr) and Tallac-5 once (0.5hr) and then a couple of 0.5 hour endurance / easy sessions?
For context, I have no target races until April 2020 (triathlon) so I am also running twice or three times a week in parallel (after a few years really just cycling).
Sure. If you can add a little training by doing more training sessions without sacrificing recovery it might be a good idea.
I don’t think you should replace 1 hr-sessions with half hour-sessions 1 by 2. You might be better of just doing 3 half hour-sessions or 2 half hour-sessions and a 45 min.-session. I know it’s less total volume but it might be a sweet spot that allows you to recover between workouts.
That said, if you are time crunched you should remember that everything counts!
I have been in a similar situation in being time crunched (work, family, 2 young kids). I have heavily modified my low volume training plans I have loaded up as I could only do a max of 45min on the bike (or swimming or running) in the mornings before work and I have to do all my training in the mornings before work, unless on the weekends. I replaced all longer workouts with a 45 min version of the closest workout I could find on TR. I didn’t usually add in rides as between swimming and running as well it would be a win if I could do 5 days a week of 1 workout per day (3 bikes, 1 run, 1 swim, maybe I could get 2 swims or 2 runs but I felt I ended up needing a rest day mid week or a work commitment came up and family stuff can usually fill up one of the weekend days).
What I have recently started to do is wake up 15-30 minutes earlier so I can get 60-75 min rides in mid week. This has me getting up at 5:30-5:45AM. I didn’t think I coudl get myself up to workout before 6 am, however, I also realized that if I didn’t, I would never be able to get in a longer workout. After this season I realized I needed more structure and more training if I want to get faster so I am giving it a try. I have to go to bed earlier which is the key.
For me, this is better I think as I find it hard to be able to do something everyday. Inevitably something comes up and I won’t be able to workout 1 or 2 days a week. So if I can do 4 days most weeks and 5 days some weeks, plus 1 longer workout on the weekends, I am happy with that (a perfect week may also allow me to do a recovery workout on Sunday in prep for the coming week).
Not sure if this helps you in anyway but good luck with your training.