Best Bike Split For ITT's

I’d like to use it for some ITT’s in 2019 and don’t have a subscription yet. However, just in the demo mode, it predicted a time within a few seconds of my time last year in a shorter 23Km ITT. Pretty amazing!

Now that I use a Wahoo I saw with an advanced subscription there is integration of power and speed targets direct to the Wahoo! It would be sort of like following a TR workout and maybe I’d PR the race!

More or less just looking for peoples experience, recommendations etc…Thanks


I used it to “program” my 2018 A race – a 21km TT.

It gave a TON of data points, most of which I didn’t follow. I was pretty fresh at racing w/ power so I did the race 50/50 RPE/power. I translated their power prescriptions into zones of effort (e.g. go easier right before the hill, etc). I think my time and the BBS split were pretty close.

Thanks for the heads up on the Wahoo integration, will have to check it out.


Any ideas how good it is for fixed? It sounds like a really useful tool, but I’m doing all my TTs next year on my fixed, so I’m not going to be able to change down and keep my power low (or change up on the downhills and keep putting the power down).

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You might have to run through and manually calculate any gradient changes (probably mostly uphills) according to your gear ratio. Your time will most likely be slower than what BBS predict.

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This is something that I think if you buy advanced or whatever they call it, you can manually enter in specific gearing. If so, BBS whould be an amazing tool for fixed. Might have to comb through FAQ’s or contact them directly to find out.

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Really wish I had a power meter so I could use the race plans from BBS. I’ve currently only imported their power plans into TR to create race simulations.

This was a nice review of all things BBS that I read a while ago: