Bib/Kit Organization ideas and tips

Okay guys…

Does anybody have a good tip on how to store your kit on the closet?
Do you hang the bibs? fold them? or just throw them in a drawer?

I want to see what people are doing to keep your kit organize!

Hang them to dry after washing. For storage - chuck them in a drawer along with all the jerseys.


Really subtle, but I use plastic hangers for all my tech stuff; I’ve found that wood hangers catch and can pull threads. But really, I 90% just put it in a drawer.

take the bib, roll it up from the bottom and then twist the straps around the roll like a rubber band. The rolls pack up nicely in the drawer.

I could definitely come up with a better system but I currently have 4 baskets. 1 for bibs, 1 for tights/knickers, 1 for jerseys, and 1 for accessories like arm warmers, gloves, etc.

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plastic hangers in the closet. I like being able to have all my jerseys and bibs out and easy to choose between.

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Throw them in the dirty basket and they magically reappear in my drawer the next day nice and clean. Iv’e got no idea what happens in between.


I have a room in my basement I use as a locker room so I can get away with this: I have two laundry baskets and keep clean bibs, socks and jerseys in one basket and I use the other one for dirty.

I also have a chest of drawers for Long-term storage but I’lI can have seasonal stuff in regular rotation that will go months without seeing drawer or even getting folded.

I hang everything. I have a tiny closet and it’s 1/2 cycling clothes

I use plastic hangers because that’s how I have my clothes dry after pulling them from the washer. When they’re dry, they go straight into my closet.

I got plastic containers and a shelf: bibs and socks go in one box, jerseys, jackets and the like in another, gloves, overshoes, etc. in a third. I have a fourth one with nutrition, hex keys and chargers for my eTap batteries.