Bike fit - stationary vs outdoors (discomfort)

Hi folks,

So I had a bike fit in January, wasn’t far off how I was set up already, mostly some changes to cleat position and insoles. I’m not super flexible but can touch my toes after stretching out a bit and working on it with yoga now. The frame is small for me and a relatively aggressive saddle/bar drop with a 130mm stem, however I’ve been great riding and racing it all year with no issues.

My problem has arisen now I’ve put it on the turbo and started doing 2 hour sweet spot sessions. It feels completely different to outdoors and struggling to complete the sessions due to pressure and numbness at the perineum. I know I need to work on flexibility and try to be able to keep my sit bones planted, but do other people find such huge differences in how the saddle feels indoors vs out?


This is a very common issue. Indoor training is much more static. Stand every now and then to relieve pressure. I try to do it every 10-15 minutes. The issue is also discussed in this thread:

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At the risk of repeating my drum beat of rocker plates as a possible solution for indoor cycling discomfort:

@Andreas, thanks for sharing the link above. I had it in my post, but removed it once I saw your post above.


Yes, no problem with 30-75 minute trainer workouts but beyond that I find it necessary to stop and stand on the bike. I’ve tried paying close attention to my position on seat both indoors and out.

Before hearing about rocker plates, I started to suspect root cause as the rigid fixed position of bike on Kickr. Not sure if rocker plates will solve the problem, but I’m going to try it out and build an inexpensive DIY rocker plate using Chad McNeese plans in the other thread.


Thanks Chad, really interesting!

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Certainly. I’m happy to answer any questions.

I am considering a way to make a super simple rocker plate that people can build with minimal effort and parts. That way they could try the basic effect of the added motion with ease and determine if they like it enough to make a better one or buy one.

I found lowering my front wheel by 1.5 inches (removing one of the two pieces of 2x6 I used for a front wheel riser lol) reduced the problem, but, didn’t solve it. Those looong workouts always get a short pause part way.

Small differences in shorts also make a difference. I have two pair of the same bibs, only difference is color, but one is uncomfortable within an hour while the other is usually good for 75 to 90 minutes.

I would love this. I’m not really handy at all, but would love a rocker plate to try. The simpler the better for me!

I started reading the original post and turned to my wife and said, “I know exactly what Chad#2 is going to say…”

I know what I’m doing this winter: DIY ROCKER PLATE


tonight I solved my problem on the 2.5 hour Koip workout by getting off the bike every 30-40 minutes. Only took 30-90 seconds before I jumped back on and kept going. Absolutely no discomfort with this no-cost solution. Hmm, more money for bike stuff, not sure if I’m going to do the DIY rocker plate…

I will be sure to post if I get something dialed.

My goal is ability to walk into a hardware store, spend less than $50 and have a design for anyone to make with simple tools.


For both good and bad, I am quite predictable. :wink:


I’ve been using Chad’s design for a month now and it seems it has helped in the ways that he mentions. It did take a little while to get the balance right. I now need to work on the swivel resistance. I think I spent around $60 for all the materials.

I didn’t see it mentioned here in a quick skim but raising the front wheel an inch or two from level might help.

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Glad to hear the rocker is working for you. :smiley:
I added the front end height section into my Rocker Plate post linked above, so people can consider that as well.

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