Tried to do the 8 minute test today on my Tacx Neo 2T and it was impossible to complete the second 8 minutes as the resistance was miles to hard. In fact the resistance seem way out throughout the whole session and even during the first 8 minutes I could only do 50 rpm?
Anyone else come across this issue?
Sounds like the resistance was set too high in slope mode. Have you considered the ramp test in erg mode?
In the main test intervals, the app switches to Resistance mode. It may default to the last Resistance percentage you used or whatever you used in any Resistance session prior.
That setting, combined with your gearing is what sets your power. Assuming you dropped to your lowest gear and still had too much Resistance you need to lower the resistance.
Open the Devices, your Neo, switch to Resistance and see what setting shows there. And report back.
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Thanks for the help. Looks like the resistance was too high will be testing it tomorrow.
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