Cadence with kickr and Stages

Hi Folks,

I’m having more heartache with my Kickr 14. I have troubleshot some power over-representation from the kickr in the past on this forum and arrived at using my stages PM connected to control the kickr through the Wahoo app’s “control with ANT+ power meter” option. It seems to work well from the power perspective.

The problem: I also used the “Cadence from ANT+” option. This was an ok outcome, with the cadence data a little unresponsive and tracking a little low, but I could compensate for the this on the fly (just knowing RPM of 80 was actually 90 etc). Now, the cadence data seems “stuck” at a certain readout - 58 sometime…87 others, but does not shift with changes in rpm or even when I stop. This is not only quite annoying when trying to do cadence drills or just monitor my cadence through intervals, but also keeps the workout running when I stop pedalling (no pausing when I stop pedalling).

Anyone experienced this or have any tips on how to resolve (apart from the obvious of disabling this option through the wahoo app and attaching an external cadence monitor)?

Kind regards

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