Calendar Problem

Just did a ramp test, shows up in my website view of calendar but not in the app view or desktop app.

Just deleted and reinstalled the app on my phone. Ramp test shows but doesn’t show completed. Doesn’t show at all on desktop calendar

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All 3 views. Website shows complete, desktop is missing everything, app has them as incomplete

Same situation for me! Shows my two workouts completed on the website (and synced with Strava), but desktop and Android app won’t update.

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I know I completed two workouts today, the files got pushed to Strava and Garmin Connect, and zilch on the calendar.

I submitted a ticket because I figured I did something wrong. I’m glad I read this and am not alone.

Same issue here, just completed a workout. The workout is not showing on iPhone app although website has been updated with completed workout.

I did a ramp test yesterday and it’s showing as completed on the desktop page and android app

I’m also experiencing the problem on my app (iPhone). I completed Baxter this morning. The app calendar does not show the workout as completed. The desktop says completed. So does the sync to Strava.

I did send up a support ticket for this along with the screenshots will update as I hear back. As of this morning it looks the same, except yesterday the rides I did showed in my iPhone app calendar with an option to do them, today they look like I missed them with the little gray X. Desktop app still missing them completely, website calendar is still 100% correct with showing them completed.


Same issue here on iOS and Mac apps with a ramp test completed yesterday not showing. Everything correct online and in Strava/Garmin.

Same issue with IOS with both Ipad and Iphone. I did Leavitt+2 last night and the workout pushed to Strava and Garmin. It shows that I missed it today in the apps, but shows completed on desktop. I logged out on IOS and logged back in and still see the issue. Moving other workouts in my training plan still pushes to app though.

Hey everyone,

We have had multiple reports of this behavior, and our Development Support Team is actively looking into this. One of our Developers has come up with a fix, and we will be testing it today.

If it passes all the testing, we will push a hotfix and let you all know here on this thread.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we are working hard to make this right as soon as possible.


I had the same issue with the android app. The fix, which worked for me, was to force stop the app, remove all its storage/data, and then restart. It reinitialized, downloading all my workouts and activities again, and then the missed workout showed up as done.


Exactly the same here

We have published the fix and syncing should be back to normal :+1:


All good now! Thanks


Likewise, all clear here!

Thanks for the prompt attention TR staff!