Then, any week increases vertical height to match the addition of workouts and/or annotations added into any day of that week. This is ok and allows you to see the full list (within reason), but it leads to other issues.
The issue is that this auto-size increase can make viewing weeks (and preferably a full month) an impossibility. Below is an extreme example, but it shows the problem where I can’t even see the full week since the number of workouts (7) plus some annotations (2) makes the height larger than the available screen.
Request: What would be helpful is the ability to expand or collapse weeks that are taller than the default height. I’d like the option of a +/- or Up/Down arrow (or other control) that lets the week be full height or collapsed to the minimum height. Then I could control whether I see a full month or expand a week in detail.
Thanks so much for the very detailed request Chad. I agree that the Calendar can become cumbersome when too many activities are added into any individual day of that week.
The ability to minimize weeks would be a viable way to combat this issue, and I will pass your idea on to the team for consideration
Great request, Chad! As a triathlete who uses the calendar to plan 10-15 workouts per week (TR rides, runs, swims, core, gym, etc), this would be particularly helpful. Having the ability to quickly switch between “macro” and “micro” views (ie. 1-month’s worth of training vs. granular details of 1-week) would be awesome. To my knowledge, no other web-based training tool allows this feature, so here’s another chance for TR to “lead the way”!
To add to this, I would really like to be able to see weeks (maybe a full month) when viewing the Calendar on my phone. It is a pain and easy to get lost when scrolling with just one or a few days at a time.
I am picturing something like the Google Calendar, with minimal info, allowing scrolling and then select a given day or week to see more detail as needed.
I think having a presentation that limits the default height of a day is better then being able to collapse a week. If you got something like here’s the ‘most interesting’ ride then there are N more rides for Y duration and Z TSS. Then you could gesture in some fashion to dig into the details of that day.
Yep, that works for me too. We need a limit for ease of use/viewing, but still have the ability to see more detail of long days with multiple entries.
That parallels how the Google Calendar seems to work. Fixed height, but you click on any day to see the full number of entries, and then into each one as desired.