Can I do VO2 with glaucoma?

I have just been diagnosed with glaucoma. I am using drops and will be having laser treatment in the next few weeks.
I’ve read that “sprinting” increases eye pressure. Does this mean I should avoid V02?
Does anyone else train and race with glaucoma and what adaptions do you make?

I think you need to ask your medic rather than trusting what you read.


Damn, I’m in the same boat as the OP. Will mention to my doc at next appt, but can’t imagine stopping mountain biking (climbs = VO2Max).

100% what @HLaB said…even if someone else here has experience with it, I would imagine each case is individual. Definitely something to discuss with your doctors.


The Dr did not tell me to restrict any activity.
Google said exercise is good to get blood flow to eyes, things like swimming and cycling, but not to sprint.
I asked Glaucoma UK and they said no heavy weight lifting and no yoga poses where the head is lower than the chest.
The view on sprinting seemed to be that if the glaucoma was controlled, then it shouldn’t be a problem, but check with Dr.
I have been using drops and I will be MTbing tomorrow! I will probably hold off on targeting indoor VO2 max sessions until I have my eyes checked/ Lasered in a couple of weeks.
Sorry @schmoo panic over !


Ok I will ask the Dr at my next appointment.
Thanks :facepunch:

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Talked my opthamologist about this today, after we agreed it was time to try a routine surgical intervention.

He indicated that I should not worry about high intensity cycling, noting that I’m much younger than his typical glaucoma patient and that this question doesn’t come up much with the usual glaucoma age bracket.

For context, I’m 51, but have been managing this condition for over a decade and I even have the start of cataract. We concluded that my eyes are 20 years older than the rest of me! I have open angle glaucoma if anyone is curious.

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Same here, already had laser trabeculectomy once in one eye. Lasted roughly 1.5 years. Going again in Jan for a second go (the procedure is to do it one side of the eye first, the the other if needed). Agreed that between the first not lasting and the irritation from the drops, getting referred to a glaucoma specialist likely for surgical trabeculectomy in the not so distant future. Back on the immediate topic though, I did ask in the context of high exertion weightlifting and he saw no issue with that.

Been using drops for years. Never stopped training.

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Thanks for the replies.
My laser treatment was a success and I have 20:20 vision for distance. They aren’t bothered about doing the periphery vision check until my next appointment in 9 months. Still on the drops.
I have continued to do intervals and strength work (although adapted for a while when recovering from a different operation).
My consultant said just be careful of heavy weight lifting whilst holding the breath. High intensity cycling is not a problem. I have switched from yoga to chi gung (to avoid inverted postures) and love it. Really beneficial for my mental health.
Win win !


It’s good that you are monitored so closely. Good luck with your procedure. Sorry to hear the drops irritate your eyes. I usually put them in just before I go to sleep. Sometimes they sting a bit, but settle down quite fast.

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