Can/should Adaptive Training move the whole plan back?

Am a few days into a plan, done a couple of free-form outdoor rides this week including today. I already had a planned training session in the calendar so today I have that (not done) plus my free form outdoor ride in today.

Should AT move the rest of the plan back a day or two? (Tomorrow is marked as a yellow day as well)

Maybe tomorrow morning it will update and move the unridden training session over to Monday? And with that the rest of the training plan also moves back a couple of days?

Sorry if daft question am new to TR , cheers!

Ok so it’s the morning after (Sunday), and the unridden training session is still on Saturday but greyed out. How do we move the rest of the plan back a few days as looks like AT isnt going to move it. Thanks

From what I understand it will ‘grey out’ the missed workouts, then adapt the levels/difficulty of future workouts if it is needed.


Hmm ok that makes sense if we have a planned event date in mind, I don’t though. Will have to get busy with some calendar editing then :slight_smile:

@NotSoTurboTippy got it right above – AT won’t move your entire plan back, but it will adapt future workouts based on what you’ve missed (if adjustments are necessary).

If Calendar editing gets too complicated/difficult, you can also delete your current plan and apply a new one with edited dates if that seems easier.

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Am getting hang of this now , as a brand new user i wasn’t trusting the system enough. Now I can see just trust the TrainNow if I have time and let AT work out what to do for future no need to drag my next workout to today and shuffle the entire plan. Wow I’m liking TR :slight_smile:

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