Can't set custom TSS for a run from the app

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Complete a run. Let it sync from Strava.
  2. Open the app (iOS).
  3. Open the workout.
  4. Click edit.
  5. Select “Cusom TSS”.
  6. Enter a desired value (to be fair, it’s a shame I have to do it all the time, would be nice to have it automated, but that’s a separate topic of discussion).
  7. Click “Save”.
  8. It says “saved”, but nothing really happens. When you go back to the workout numbers - TSS is not there. If I open it in a browser - TSS is not there either.

(To clarify - entering TSS from web interface works fine, but not from the app).

Thanks for the heads up! Letting our bug hunters know so we can get this sorted. :+1: