found the problem
I somehow missed this response, but you have great reasoning.
After I dip the chain I literally leave it for hours to cool or overnight when it is completely cooled/hardened. I can easily throw it on hot and put a rag on it (this is a great test).
I’d be interested to see what happens doing the above. I have tried both, and a chain totally covered in set wax just tends to end with more wax going everywhere IMO.
I also am highly suspicious of the factory lube ‘converter’ block, and I bet that will lead to gummier wax…
Sorry, I do NOT use the stripchip setup but my process is;
- Silca chain stripper in a mason jar shook for 1-3 mins
- cleaning the chain with hot water
- Dipping chain in Silca Secret Chain Blend in a Silca cooker at 75*
- Letting chain completely harden/cool overnight.
- Install on bike
I am now going to change #4 to instantly put on bike and wipe with rag to see if it reduce’s wax boogers.
Between 4 and 5, I break the links by rolling it over a dowel on both sides and the vast majority of the dry wax comes off during this process. I then install, and run it through the cassette and use a metal brush to get the rest off. I never have any build up following this method
I set a timer for 5 minutes after pulling chain from wax and put on bike after that, wax is still a bit pliable but not too hot to touch. Much easier than waiting for it to fully dry
Yeah, please do let the chain cool/drip excess for 5 minutes or so.
75 degrees is still pretty hot to handle, plus it would drip hot wax all over.
Also, much easier and cleaner to run a rag with the chain off the bike.
I read through the ZFC stuff as only some drips can mix with immersion waxes.
Whats the best all conditions top up wax for MSW in terms of longevity in poor conditions?
I’ve been using tru tungsten as flower power and rex won’t mix with immersion waxes.
I tend to re-wax for day races but on trips away will take two chains and ride day on, clean with kettle, reapply drip and ride, then swap chain and repeat.
Might just be me, but wipe down out of the pot or even later is just not effective at removing excess wax. I’ve used Brillo pads, scotch brite, microfiber, rags, and don’t really see any residual wax coming off. The wax cools really fast. Hang it, let dry for a few hours, then I use my pulley wheel on a giant nail, run the chain back and forth several times, flip it and repeat. I would wonder if installation in 5-10 minutes is good or bad? It may displace wax from important places. Ride it and wipe off the flakes AFTERWARDS- once usually does it.
I had the same thought. While pliable it could squish out of pin/rollers. Same reasoning as letting drip wax set for hours while the solvent evaporates