Can a Connex link be used on a non connex chain? And can I keep one link for a bike, and just use it on the chain that I am putting on the bike? Or does one link have to be specific for a particular chain?
Paraffin is the base material for wax so any residual liquid will just be absorbed in the wax. It also is a good cleaner.
Connex links work fine with different manufacturers chains . Regarding mineral spirit, this isn’t necessary when using paraffin to clean the chain. On my CX bikes the chains get washed in soapy water before using the paraffin. I use a plastic bottle with an old cut down bidon in side and hand made filter as per Oz cycle. It’s shaken for 30 seconds , left to drain then shaken again as opposed to a soaking. The filter keeps debris out of the paraffin.
Thanks. Never read about this paraffin before. Are you talking about liquid paraffin? Would this be it?
I don’t do much different after the occasional wet ride. The chain usually won’t last as long on that waxing, though, so I’ll swap it when it sounds like it needs it.
@deepakvrao, this looks a very refined version, probably overkill. If you’re of a certain age like me you’ll remember paraffin heaters and thats the stuff I use. Here is an example:
This is the video showing how to make a home made chain clearner. I use a larger plastic container (Oxyclean) and an old cycling bottle for the inner section.
I wonder if there is a language issue here. Paraffin as understood where I live is like liquid wax. In the UK I ‘think’ paraffin refers to a liquid that is called kerosene elsewhere?
Are you UK based? And is this paraffin that you refer to something like a diesel?
I’ve heard it called kerosene, yes.
So, this solves it. Kerosene is what I am using already. Was confused with the word paraffin.
I left my wax on overnight by mistake, on medium temp, but it also turned a light brown color, similar to your pic, no longer clear white. its also likely a bit dirty as well, Its white when it turns back to a solid, so I am still using it. I might pop it out and scrape the bottom. I don’t think its ruined, as it seems normal on the chains I have waxed.
Just refer to the Zen guide from Zero Friction Cycling. The answer
(about burning) lies within.
[/quote] Q – How do I know if I have overheated & damaged my wax?
A – You can be a bit concerned if you raise the lid and there is a lot of fuming coming off the wax. After you have switched off if the wax goes a yellow colour when it cools – its damaged. If the wax cools to its usual grey / white – it is still fine.
Interesting regional difference with the names of things.
I am in Canada.
For waxing my chain I used 100% paraffin wax for canning.
Everything is working well I think (only waxed once so far in slow cooker).
If I should be concerned with the wax I used please let me know.
I ordered some PTFE powder and will add it to my paraffin wax in my slow cooker once it arrives.
I wanted to post a follow-up describing my experience waxing my first chains.
At the time of writing my post I had only done 2 brand new chains.
I have subsequently prepared 2 used chains that were previously lubed the traditional way.
As described in my original post I first rinsed chains in mineral spirits. I did 2 baths I believe.
I then did baths in 99% isopropyl alcohol (2-3). It seems to me the mineral spirits didn’t do much in either of my cases (preparing brand new chains or previously lubed chains). ONLY in the isopropyl alcohol did the solution go dark-ish with the lube getting pulled out of the chain I assume.
- I should let readers know I am in Canada which may explain the names of some of the products I am using (I cannot find denatured alcohol or methylated spirits here in Canada) -
I am curious if this is similar to other’s experiences?
I am feeling there is no need for the mineral spirits and to just go straight to isopropyl alcohol?
Anyway, one of my previously used chains the process went pretty smooth and as expected. I have waxed it and have put it aside for future use (as I also did a brand new chain for the same bike and that is currently on one of my bikes).
I also just did another previously used chain for a 9-speed bike (Rocky Mountain solo - cyclocross bike I mostly use to ride around with my kids). The chain is fine still so I didn’t see the need to buy a brand new chain. The cleaning and stripping process has been more of a hassle for this chain. I degreased the chain with simple green. I did a mineral spirits bath which didn’t seem to do much. And then I did about 10 baths in isopropyl alcohol. The alcohol remained quite clear after the 3rd bath or so but little dark flecks and specks continue to come out in rinses so I just continued to do more rinses, however, these flecks and specks just keep coming off. So, I called it quits and I have decided to just use Squirt lube I got for this chain as I don’t want to put it in my crock pot and dirty the wax if these specks continue to come off. I am guessing a new chain would solve this issue but for the use this bike is getting at the moment I can probably hold off.
Lastly, for wax I have used just plain paraffin wax.
I see this can mean different things in different parts of the world and I hope what I have used is OK. Everything seems good and fine so far after just one wax. I have ordered some PTFE (teflon) powder that I will add to my crock pot once it arrives in a few weeks.
I hope someone finds this helpful.
I’ve been curious about waxing and opted to give the Wend Rub On stuff a try.
Some quick lessons.
- What you think is enough, isn’t.
- Rubbing it in and “flowing” it with thier remover just created un-waxed spots on my chain first time around
- Put “enough” on second time and re-flowed it with a heat shrink gun. Just enough to have it melt into the rollers, then let it set up again.
So I have a nice blue-ish chain, but I don’t think it’s as bullet proof as a proper hot dip. Picture is from the first round.
For those in the US who are getting PTFE - where are you getting it? Amazon? Ebay?
Doesn’t the dirt settle to the bottom? A friend of mine who waxes says that he lets the wax harden up every now and then cuts the dirty part off the bottom.
I guess every now and then you’ll want to just start over as wax is inexpensive.
I understood that. If you had a metal grate in there the chains could be in the upper level of the wax and the dirt down in the lower level.