I’m sure the answer is already out there somewhere, but I’m still new to TR and I’m having trouble with the plan builder.
I realized I had the wrong date for my A race in June after I was already 2 weeks into my plan. I tried to drag my A race to the following Saturday, thinking it would promt plan builder to recalculate my weeks prior. However, that didn’t happen and now my A race is after a rest week. Any tips on how to reset my schedule with plan builder without deleting the first two weeks of data/deleting the plan entirely and restarting?
Ah I see it now, but when I recalculate, it gives me an error and goes to a blank screen that says ‘take me back to trainerroad home screen’. The event shows up after I added it but it didn’t change my training plan, so it has a gap from the original incorrect date of my event and has my A race during a rest week.
Hey everyone! We have identified this as a bug and we have our Developers taking a look at it. We agree that the Plan Builder should be able to account for situations where the A race date has changed and we are looking into making the Plan Builder more flexible to accommodate.
We sadly do not have an ETA at this time, so if you are changing around your A events, the best approach will be to restart your PLan Builder from scratch with your new events. Go ahead and set the start date in the past back when you started training, and this will set you on the right track for preparation for your new events .
Good to know! hopefully you can add an edit feature to a current plan from Plan Builder. For example, just recalculate without the need of adding new events, or also if you would like to add/remove oppeners to B and C races after the fact.