Chicago area tentative road race calendar? Visiting sometime in the summer and would love to race

Title says it all. I am having trouble finding any crits or road racing events through USAC near Chicago this summer.

Does someone have a tentative schedule somewhere?


Check the Intelligentsia cup website - that is the big crit series here every year. There are a lot of spring crits, but they were cancelled this year. Intelligentsia cup is supposed to happen, but not sure if they’ve released dates yet.

There are no road races to speak of… too congested. I don’t really do crits except to mess around here and there, so I’m not the best source. seems to be the place most of them use for sign-ups, so I’d check there.

There is a MTB race series in Wisconsin called WORS, and there are a lot of gravel races in Michigan if you’re willing to drive on the weekends.

Good luck!

As said above, a lot of the smaller local races aren’t running or haven’t been announced as such.

There are a handful in the surrounding areas like IN and WI, but not much in Chicago atm. Intelli is supposed to go off towards the end of July, ToAD is still iffy but usually happens in late June.

Other than than it’s pretty barren currently.

Like above posters have said Tour of America Dairyland and Intelligencia are the two biggies. Only events running that I know of are TT series and one-day gravel events. Even the practice crits are on hold as far as I know.