Completed stretch but no adaptations?


Fairly new to trainerroad so forgive me if this is obvious.

I started the build phase of my programme and the first workout was a vo2 max workout, I think like a 1.1, that looked a little too easy and I’d just had my record very week so thought I’d step up the challenge a bit and changed it to a ‘ stretch’ 2.2. I completed the workout easily enough and the progression levels updated. However, the subsequent vo2 max workouts in my diary for the next few weeks haven’t adapted and are all vo2 max 1.5 difficulty workouts. I assumed they would adapt to be beyond 2.2??

Did I mess up the adaptive plan by jumping too far ahead?

Anyway I can trigger an adaptation, or, should I just change the next workout to slightly higher than 2.2

Thanks in advance

Are the subsequent workouts in a new training block/phase? like do you have a rest week next week and then those vo2 max workouts? If so then it may adapt when you get closer.

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The one I changed was the first workout in anew block so I have 3 weeks until my next recovery week ( so another 2 vo2 max workouts, which are both still 1.5s)

They’ll prob update with more data. One day of good legs isn’t a trend, a few more at a similar range will most likely trigger so adaptions.

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Ok thanks, I’ll ‘ up’ next weeks workout too and providing I complete that ok, see what happens then :+1:t2:

Hey there and welcome to the TR community!

@mrtopher1980 is correct that adaptations will be applied to each 4-week block of training.

It looks like your Progression Levels updated successfully after that VO2 Max 2.2 workout (nice job, by the way!) and that everything should update once you hit that next block. You don’t have any more VO2 Max workouts in this block (the remainder of this week), so adaptations haven’t been applied yet.

I checked out your TR Calendar and I see the “Build Phase Start” annotation set on Tuesday, Feb 18. Your future workouts should update once you hit that date. :slight_smile:

If you don’t see any proposed adaptations once you get into next week, please do let us know as that would mean that something is not working properly!

Any times I’ve had adaptions they come a few days after any TR workouts.

Ahhh, I see what’s happened- I had some holidays that messed with my original plan that I created so had to pull everything forward a week, therefore like you said, the build phase doesn’t start until next week according to my calendar but I’m actually doing the first week of it this week. Ok, hopefully I’ll see some updates going into next weeks workouts :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for your help everyone

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Hi Zackery, to rehash this, I completed another progressive sweetspot workout yesterday, but again it hasn’t adapted my next sweet spot workout to be progressive in line with the PL. The VO2 max workout that I have in two days still hasn’t adapted after completing a stretch one last week as described in my initial post. I have now officially began my ‘ build’ block, so hoped it might refresh. Would it be possible for you to take another look please and see if this is correct or if there’s anything you can do / suggest to give it a little nudge :slight_smile:

One point to not is that I was ill at the end of last week so missed a couple of workouts. Not sure if this has anything to do with it
Thanks in Advance

Hey again,

I think things may have refreshed… They are now looking as we’d expect to see them.

It looks like the SST workout you just completed was a 4.0, and the one for next week is a 4.2, so should be all set there.

Tomorrow’s VO2 Max session looks to be a 3.5, which also appears to make sense based on your last VO2 workout and your current PLs.

It’s possible that the plan refreshed after you wrote this post here (that sometimes happens), but let me know if there are any particular workouts that are still on there that seem like they shouldn’t be and we’ll get it sorted!

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Yes, they updated about half an hour after i posted haha .

All good- thankyou anyway

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