Hello All! I’ll do my best to be succinct in hopes of some helpful opinions/advice/discussion.
Background: 35yr Male with ~2yrs of essentially daily high-mileage running experience (70-85+mpw / ~3hr marathon PB) up until last Feb, where injuries sidelined me to the point of switching 90% to cycling. Currently, riding 9.5-12hrs of volume per week with TrainerRoad indoor for most of my rides–in last week of General Base High Volume Phase 2. Typically, two higher intensity sessions per week (Sweet spot, threshold, some VO2max/sprint). Running at best 5-10mpw. And for the big monkey wrench…lifting weights very seriously 4x per week for the last 2months. I have many years of background in strength sports way before I got into endurance stuff–however, totally dropped all of that when I got into endurance training (running) over 2 years ago. I’ve decided to put muscle back on my frame, even if it slightly diminishes my endurance performance. For two reasons…it’s very difficult for me even without lifting to keep my bodyweight down below ~150lbs at 5’9". I’ve been in a constant state of tracking food intake to keep my weight down and I’m tired of it. Second reason, is simply aesthetics and just missing legit lifting/bodybuidling/powerlifting.
In the last two months of intentionally, carefully programmed resistance training focused around compound lifts (squats, OHP, rows, RDLs, weighted dips/chins) emphasis on progressive overload (typically linear progression) and a modest calorie surplus…I’ve gone from 145lbs up to about 156lbs. All of my lifts have drastically improved. I’ve maintained the exact amount of endurance work via Trainer Road as I was before, with very very minor modifications. Along with the bodyweight and strength increases…my FTP has increased significantly in the last couple of months too. In fact, even my relative FTP has increased when accounting for bodyweight. I am really striving for a 4w/kg FTP at some point in time, but currently am only at ~3.25w/kg.
I’m 100% natty, and in fact one of the reasons I decided to intentionally gain weight via calorie surplus and lifting was because the sheer amount of pure endurance volume I Was doing via running the last 2yrs absolutely crushed my total testosterone to <190ng/dl. Although I have been making substantial hypertrophy/strength gains in the presence of 9-12hrs/wk of strutctured Trainer Road cycling, I do think this is going to flatten sooner rather than later–particularly, as the training loads increase in the weight room…too does the overall structural and neurological stress.
My current issue and/or area of difficulty is that I have a very good grasp of periodization/programming for strength/hypertrophy (it helps that I also hold an MSc in ex phys). I have Trainer Road AI handling much of my programming for cycling. However, things get mutually affected when programming both concurrently…and there’s no good way to communicate that to Trainer Road. Do you have any potential insights or experience in successfully managing hybrid training? I have very clear concurrent goals–1. bulk/gain up to 165lbs at roughly 2-4lbs/month gain via current calorie surplus and RT. 2. Increase maximal loads for compound lifts (e.g., 1RM for squat, OHP, weighted dips/chins). 3. Increase FTP…at this point I’d be okay with just absolute FTP focus on holding/increasing relative FTP when I eventually go in a calorie deficit when I hit my goal bulk weight.