Conflicted, blending trainerRoad and group rides

Despite a six week period of no training( Jan to early Feb) I exited the winter stronger than I started. ( overtraining, virus, not sure but I couldn’t train with any intensity)

My improved fitness has yielded pleasing results on the club rides however the club rides are not providing the time in zone ( threshold and Vo2) to keep the dial moving upwards or at least that’s my feeling but appreciate I may be wrong on this?

But while throughly enjoy the group rides, on the whole they aren’t hard rides and I’m finding I have plenty in the tank post ride. Currently a couple of weekday rides 25-30 miles and a longer ride on Sunday 60-70 miles.

So I’m thinking of supplementing my outside rides with TrainerRoad interval sessions, I’m unsure of how many and what type. I’m 57 and limited to two hard sessions a week, anymore and my body breaks down and would like to plan a sustainable platform throughout the summer before resuming TrainerRoad and polarised training as the long term objective is a weeks holiday in the Dolomites next year.

I was thinking of restarting my subscription to TrainerRoad and benchmark my ftp with AI is due early June which provide time to digest and formulate a strategy which will last the summer
My strava is Martin K if this helps any informed comments.

Thanks in advance

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Hi @slowmart :slight_smile:

If you are looking to supplement your current riding with interval training I would recommend you create a Low Volume Master’s plan using Plan Builder with your A Event as a “Stage Race” to the Dolomites (since it’s a week long).

The LV Master’s plan entails 2 Interval and 1 Endurance workout per week (which can be swapped for your group ride) and you can set all workouts to be completed outside! This is a great way to get a plan that creates stepping stones for your fitness.

Alternatively, you could always use the TrainNow feature to recommend what interval work you should do on the days you’d like to do intervals. The only downside to this (in my opinion) is that there isn’t a “plan” per se, but it may be just what you need in the meantime!


@slowmart, I forgot to add that a great tool to help you balance structured training with your group/weekday rides is our Red Light Green Light feature.

RLGL monitors your training to help prevent long-term fatigue and unproductive workouts. So when you start adding structured workouts to your training it will help you know if you are overdoing it and recommend adjustments to your training plan accordingly to make sustainable progress in fitness!