I am trying to setup my Kickr Core to control using Vector 3 power pedals. I go into the Wahoo Fitness app and turn this setting on but then it doesn’t prompt me to enter the power source ant+ ID. I am using an Android operating system. Is this something that can only be done on iOS? Has anyone else experienced this issue? Thanks for the help.
I got this to work with my iPhone but after many tests I’m not convinced it actually does what it claims. Unless you plan to train using the Wahoo app, I don’t believe it will work while using the TR app.
No reason it shouldn’t unless TR has changed their code since August. I have plenty of TR workouts showing it worked like so.
I also could not seem to configure this properly on Android (ie enter ant+ ID). Has anybody gotten this to work on Android recently?
So you can confirm by setting the Kickr to use Ant+PM in the Wahoo app and then leaving the Wahoo app and doing a workout in the TR app that the Kickr is using the Ant+ power meter as it’s source? I couldn’t confirm that but haven’t tried since my last update either.
I just checked and I have been using my Kickr Core with this setting turned on for the last year and I can tell you it does not do a darn thing when training in TrainerRoad. I truly believe it only works when using the Wahoo app and no other time. My Kickr at times is close to my power meter readings and at other times way off. And I never changed that setting.
Yes, I confirm. It’s also a suggestion from TR to use instead of Powermatch. I’m no longer a TR user hence I can’t confirm since August it works in TR. I have however been using this method with my Garmins being the controller for plenty of interval workouts since August. I’ve never used a Wahoo app for a workout.
The feedback I got from customer support is that this functionality is supported on iOS but not Android. Begs the questions why the option is even available in the Android app? Not very helpful…
I can say I’ve never used an iOS device to do this, always been on Android so they recently took it away?
Looks like I’ll just not connect my phone to the KICKR anytime soon.
Realize this is an older thread however figured I would post here before starting a new one and just looking for some clarification. Recently installed new Assioma Duo’s with my Kickr18. I have not enabled the Control with Ant+ Power Meter in the Wahoo app, I have been using Powermatch in TR. When using Zwift I have been using the Duo’s as the “Power Source” and the Kickr as the “Controllable”. My assumption was the Control with Ant+ Power Meter in the Wahoo app was only for when using the Wahoo app and/or when leaving the Kickr as both the power source and controllable. As long as I’m utilizing Powermatch in TR and using the Duo’s as the power source in Zwift the Control with Ant+ Power Meter in the Wahoo app had no bearing. After reading this thread and a few other threads now I’m not quite certain. Appreciate any feedback…
I also realize I can try this myself and see what the effects are if any.
As far as I know when you set the ANT+ ID in the Wahoo app it will use your Duo’s as the power measure instead of the Kickr’s internal algorithms. In Zwift you then choose the Kickr for both power source and controllable trainer. Not sure how well it works in sim mode (just riding in Zwift) but in ERG mode it would just adjust resistance until your Duo’s register the targeted watts.
Appreciate the response, thank you
I did a test today to see if this works.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A (TrainerRoad) Bluetooth
iPhone 11 Pro (wahoo app) Bluetooth
Garmin 935 watch ant+
Favero Assioma uno (TrainerRoad) Bluetooth
Wahoo kickr v5
I jus got my kickr v5 in the mail last week. I upgraded from a kickr snap. I was riding a TR workout today, Clark. Interval 4 was set for 304w with power match on kickr smoothing turned off. I powered up my watch to see what the kickr was reading compared to the pedals in power match. The kickr was reading 254w on the watch. I remember reading in this post that people were not sure if the little switch (Control w/ANT+ power meter) did anything while riding in TR. I can confirm that this does. Flipped the switch in the wahoo app mid interval and saw the power on my watch match what the screen on my galaxy tab a was reading proving that the pedals took over on the kickr as the power source. Only reason I was able to find this out is because the new kickr can connect to multiple Bluetooth device at one time. So it you’re riding erg mode and have a power meter I would suggest using this option. If I were to only take the readings from my kickr in TR that would have been a sprint into a Supra-threshold effort rather then a sweet spot effort. I noticed this when trying a ride when I first got the kickr and my heart rate for the wattage was questionably high. So I did this little test. I hope you guys find this answer helpful.