Cooling Suggestions

I’ve moved to a new house, and my indoor training location is much hotter. The room is literally hot before i start, and my fan is just blowing hot air at me.

Looking for suggestions on solutions. Do these portable AC units do anything? will more fans help? ice vests?

RPE/HR is through the room on all sessions currently.

I have a running background as a coach and I would sometimes have athletes wear ice vest prior to long distance track race. No matter how many fans, I just can’t get cool. I’ve had success with Velotoze version of cooling vest. veloToze Cooling Vest - Includes Cycling Vest with pockets for Cooling Packs
There are other brands and I’m sure that they would serve the same purpose. I’ve actually worn it on a few outdoor rides. It’s not too bulky and cooling effect last about 1.5 hours.

I think those “heat pump” style AC units are the most efficient. I have one in my office and it gets painfully cold if it’s blasting.

Got a link to an example of one of those?

I’m sure you can find one for less. They’re very common everywhere outside the US for some reason. I have no idea how hard installing them is to be honest! Sorry I can’t help you with that.

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If you just moved into a new house and will be there for a while - I’d absolutely bite the bullet on a heat pump / mini-split AC if a window-unit wouldn’t work. Just need it to be an outside wall with space to mount the unit and run the hoses through to the outside.