Core temperature sensor feature in TR - heat acclimation and massive performance improvement?

Hi folks I see there is another discussion posted by the CORE folks themselves that has been dormant for a while, Ive recently obtained one of these little gadgets and also listened to a lot of information (you tube and podcasts) from Dan Bingham, Luke Plapp (Ineos pro and Aussie road champ) and a few others on heat acclimation and core temp. Strangely enough back in the 80s training for IM Hawaii 89 (yeah Im that old) we did a lot of ‘old school’’ boxing type ‘excess clothing’ sweat capacity type training and saunas which anecdotally worked very well. Recently Bingham has illustrated very well the benefits of this type of training even wearing a ‘paint suit’ to insulate body temp. CORE have adopted this and you can buy their own branded ‘paint suit’. So… there seems to be an enormous performance gain from this. Id like to see TR have a field in their workouts to accomodate this and integrate it into their data. Over to you guys.

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Enormous? Just jump on your trainer wearing clothes or a “paint suit” and do your heat training. Do you really need a $300 sensor to aid you?

How would TR capturing the sensor data help?

I think @sryke bought a Core sensor.


Is this a sales pitch? :man_shrugging:


Ah of course. Here come the cynics. About me. Im a 60yo Aussie masters cyclist. I have no allegiance to anyone or anything. Although I was once an okay triathlete a very long time ago I am now a very average masters track cyclist, but one that likes my toys and gadgets. And has the capacity to pay for them.

So now we have that out of the way. With the greatest of respect. Im asking for a field in TR. And as for those who may pooh pooh that Id prefer to take advice from Dan Bingham, his thoughts on how he managed Ganna to an hour record and another of his team mates (Plappy) who trains in the heat to improve blood volume and gains. The information is there its just a matter of it being ‘nice’ to see it in a TR field. And rather than spreadsheets and other assorted BS as Im a bit of a luddite Id rather adopt the ‘KISS’ theory. But over to the ‘experts’… :grinning:

… $300 sensor? Ashtray change. How much is all your bike stuff worth? Id suggest a heat acclimation in AI learning would be an an excellent perfomance metric to monitor. Its summer here in Australia in a month or so. It gets kinda warm occasionally. Kristian Blummentfeldt seems to do OK with them too. Id rather do it this way then stick a thermometer up my backside, but thats just me. And as an old guy with too much time on my hands hey if it gets you motivated then thats the battle won huh. People take themselves far too seriously in my experience, Im just interested in self improvement and ‘not letting the old man in’.

Leaving aside the value of knowing the exact number vs. just heat training in general, I wouldn’t expect a filed to be added to TR any time soon.

The CORE sensor is, at best, a niche product that has yet to gain any significant market traction. Adding a field to TR will benefit very few users while taking away resources from developing features that would benefit the majority of users.

Can’t you just track your temp on your bike computer / watch? It isn’t like it is a number that needs constant monitoring.


Yeah I thought that too. But seeing the data and analysis of it at the top level along with the “everyone fails at 40 minutes” adiom used by Bingham and his ‘ice eating’ and cooling strategies during competition (and his adaptation before) I would ‘like’ to see it as a valuable a metric as power and heart rate i.e. temp v heart rate rise v power drop. Hence my thoughts. In any case its Sunday here so Im going riding. And as Im a baseball fan watching game 2 later. I will add as an additional thought that during long days at the track in Sydney during carnivals (Dunc Grey is indoors), I tried a few cooling and ice strategies early this year and was surprised at the results in terms of perceived exertion and power outputs when you have multiple events in a day inside what is essentially a huge tin shed with no air conditioning. One day in particular I rode in six different events and recovery was a big deal especially for an old decrepit guy. So Im trying to just make a valid contribution to the discussion, as Im going to wear this thing on my HR strap this summer race season and see how it works. So yeah Garmin already has a field and that synchs with WKO through training peaks. It seems there may be some broader industry consideration of it as a valuable metric.

Why would TR put a field in their software when the number of TR users that have a Core temp sensor is probably in the single digits percentage wise and using a Garmin to display it is perfectly acceptable for those that do have one?

I’m not debating heat training but from everything I read it’s not going to be an enormous gain. If it were worth 25 watts of FTP, we’d all be doing it. Plus, you don’t need the sensor to do heat training.

A bit like CGMs, the CORE sensor doesn’t work all that well during exercise:

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Well… seems like a lot of naysayers. Im a TR customer, thats what it boils down to I guess and this would be a feature Id find handy. Curiously, the ‘small percentage’ argument is precisely the same one that could be applied to power meters only a few years ago. The evolution of the cycling tech space in the time Ive been involved in cycling (approx 50 years) is pretty amazing and fun. Im old enough to have used toe clips and straps and just enjoy it the changes. I started using the old clunky Polar HRM in about 1987 and the tools and analysis capacity in the marketplace seems to be snowballing. As TR is a product in a marketplace it seems to me this would be something that may gain traction i.e. customisable pages for your workouts with metrics that suit you. Garmin does that. I find this the CORE device, contrary to the poster above is very accurate in a controlled setting i.e. on a trainer in your garage. So lets see over time what the marketplace delivers. If the TR folks read this (I imagine they do) then like many other technologies eg ANTplus and others too numerous to mention this may gain traction. Or… it may not. Similarly I was a crowd funder for the recently released Aerosensor product which is headed up by a PHD in aerodynamics who is a cyclist who came from Mercedes F1. Having an accurate and repeatable CDA is another metric that may have value in indoor settings in order to accurately determine forces when racing against others. Here I am an old guy who is just a consumer offering a suggestion. You dont have to use it. BTW the aerosensor stuff is also great, and I have the three different products. But thats a discussion for another day.

Id suggest listening to Dan Bingham about that. You may change your mind. He is a pretty clever dude and has found a drop of 15-18 watts of efficiency for every 1 degree of increase in body temp.

You do realize that that is an advertisement, correct?

I don’t doubt what he says about lowering core temp by 1 degree but how is the sensor going to help an amateur, not racing on a track, in the real world? If you are racing a 3 hour road or mtb race in the heat, no amount of knowing what your core temp is, is going to help you lower it.

If you want to train in a tyvek suit, then do it. You don’t need the sensor to do the training.

But if you like to play with gadgets, $300 is not much for you, and it motivates you then go for it. It’s hard to see TR implementing this for you as you are probably one of a handful of people who would want the feature.

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Bit of a false analogy, I think……TR was built on the the idea of having power readings from the bike. It is the principal metric upon which the training is based.

Measuring core body temperature is not critical to training. I have a CORE sensor and, having used it, can honestly say I don’t get any critical insights from it. I don’t need my internal temp to hit a specific number to gain the benefits of heat training, I just need to elevate the internal temp and follow the established protocols.

Yeah thanks champ, Im across the fact that is an ad, however there is enough of his peer reviewed analytical material and results on the interweb to kinda back up what he is saying… But I thought a 1min video might be helpful for those with short attention spans… From a macro perspective at TR is a subscriber service it may be that another meets my needs better at another time. I will say that the explosion of indoor training seems to have bred an entire new subculture of people who view it not as a means to an end i.e. improving ones cycling performance, but as a means to itself. Hey it worked for Jay Vine who won the zwift academy, but Ive also seen people who absolutely suck at actual bike racing who are pretty good (with a big question mark and caveat) at indoor training. And besides sucking pretty bad at it are also a danger to themselves and others. There was an explosion of these types during covid.

Time will tell, but Im disappointed (but not surprised) by the keyboard warriors poking holes in what is a simple and entirely do able idea. Ive been fortunate enough to have been around some pretty good bike riders i.e. some of the best… over the years and only started riding track after being unable to run anymore, and career and family getting in the way. We are fortunate in Australia to have access to many Olympic standard velodromes here and what actual peak cycling performance actually looks like. In my experience most people think they know but are clueless. In use TR as it suits me, but Id rather pin on a number in real life. But thanks for the input.

Does TR show temperature of outside rides?

Feature request from 5 years ago:

TR receives temperature data if you record on a bike computer.

I’m a huge proponent of training in the heat - outside and in my hot garage on the trainer. Would be great to see some support for the data TR already receives.

I sense a slightly aggressive vibe in this thread, therefore I will keep it short. I’ve already said everything in the main Core thread.

I used the sensor for one season, went through two “heat adaption cycles”. What surprised me the most was how long it took you to “heat up”. Even when dressed up. Overall I found it quite cumbersome and I could not detect any performance enhancements. “Poor man’s altitude training” did not apply to me. And I can’t say I did better in any hot race.

Indipendent validation tests indicate that the sensor becomes inaccurate at higher temps.So exactly where you want accuracy w/r to overheating.

I would not buy it again.


… so many questions. But. I asked for a feature. Shoulda known better than to ask people from the cheap seats on the interweb.

You. guys are such a fun crowd! And such a wealth of constructive and valuable information! Backed up with anecdotal and actual evidence and context!

Made me realise why I stopped engaging in chat forums, where the knowledge, experience and actual ability of the majority of frequent correspondents is overwhelmingly inversely proportionate from reality. Im sorry to have upset your precious sensibilities.

Ive spent a reasonable amount of time in the US mainly in Boulder and LA/SD. Lots of experts that know sweet FA.

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Kind of feels like everyone is trying to convince the op that this is, at best, a marginal gain and, far more likely, just flat out useless.

He came here with a feature request he thinks would help his training. I’d say let the TR folks decide if it is worth their development time

Discuss the merits or lack thereof in the other thread dedicated to this

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