Could Adaptive Training be used to 'Fill in the blanks'?

Added the Feature tag as this might be an awesome addition to Adaptive training.

Let’s say your an athlete training for an event. Based on your schedule, you can really only commit to the low volume plan, but you have opportunities for endurance rides 1 or 2x a week. You would add those to your calendar and AT would alter that week/month so the TR workouts have more quality intervals in them instead of putting additional endurance riding in them.

Basically telling AT, “I’ll take care of the endurance riding, just give me the right intervals and progression on the other days”

OR, you are someone who like to meet up with the weekly group ride. You could take a model of that ride, and use it as a ‘template workout’ telling AT this is what I plan to do 1 day every week.

OR, You have both Saturday and Sunday to do long rides. Tell AT “Just give me 2 interval days for the weekdays”

I think what you’re asking for is possible now by adding endurance rides via TrainNow when you have the capacity to do so! :sunglasses: