I played around with the workout creator today with an eye to seeing if I could create and score workouts that better fit my available terrain. I built some threshold intervals and the PLs seemed to check out against similar workouts in the library. I was able to keep adding hill reps on and see the PLs go up. Are there types of workouts that I should avoid creating as custom because the PLs will be off?
Ones with sharp sprints seems to trigger excessive PL from what I have seen.
As @mcneese.chad mentioned, sharp sprints seem to throw things off…
On the whole, though, we can’t “endorse” the Workout Levels that get assigned (automatically) to custom workouts. Currently, Workout Levels are calculated uniquely for custom workouts (i.e., separately/independently from “official” TR workouts) and are therefore not comparable to the Workout Levels of workouts in the TrainerRoad library.
It sounds like you’ve got the right idea of how to make things work… But just do beware that things won’t necessarily be a perfect match when tracking WLs/PLs.
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