Cutting back as self isolating in the uk

Unfortunately I’ve had to stop my TR membership as I’m now self isolating for 4 months and with no income I can no longer afford the cost. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Did the government measures announced today help?

That sucks. If you want a referral code to tide you over for a month, I’ve got a spare one. You could set up a temporary account or something.


Road Grand Tours is free to tide you over


That’s bad luck. I’m in Scotland, and now home with the kids (7 an 10) for 5 months until the next school year begins.

New career: home teacher! Fortunately my wife can still work so she’s paying for my TR sub, as well as everything else!

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could you also do a free 30 day trial with zwift too?

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7 days only for Zwift.

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Not sure if a link for a free month will work as you’re already a TR user, but if you message me with your email address we can try…

The referral will not work for anyone that has had an active TR account.

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