Inspired by the Black Shoes/White Socks thread as well as some hot takes from the podcast, I though it would be interesting to hear all your cycling fashion faux pas, rules, regulations, and otherwise codes that you follow on the bike. Tall socks, ankle socks, no socks? Unmatched socks (EF Education style)? Color shoes with white socks? Sleeveless jerseys? Flats/sneakers on a road bike?
I expect to be roasted but here are mine:
- socks over long tights. Yep, I wear my socks over my tights. Why else would I wear hot pink socks if they can’t be seen?
- matching jersey and bibs, or lack thereof. I don’t care if the bibs and jersey aren’t the same brand. I wear Pactimo and Specialized bibs, and various different jerseys, none of which are Pactimo or Specialized.
- full finger gloves. I rarely ride with gloves, not a fan. On the odd occasion I do, it’s full finger.
- no white socks. I’m not against white socks, I just don’t own any because I think they’re boring. I like color.
- sleeve/bib length. I’m tall so I’m a fan of longer short sleeves (close to elbow) and bibs. Can’t stand the short shorts type bibs that I end up with sometimes. Wish every manufacturer would give you inseam length options.
I’m sure I’m missing a lot but I want to hear what cycling clothing things would you never do?