That’s because if they’re strong they already know about TrainerRoad, they just never told you…
I took my British girlfriend back to Australia one September. We went for a run and I got swooped first, told her just to leg it out of the danger zone and i would explain later. She turned around to check why and absolutely shat herself seeing a magpie approach at eye level!
The extent of my knowledge on this subject is based solely on the episode of Bluey where they have to keep their eyes on the magpie lest they get swooped, so maybe jerseys with a face design on the back would help…? Copyright, Trademark, Patent, etc…
I’m sure the group here can come up with some good captions for this.
i swallowed a bee/wasp last month, it stung my lower lip while i spit it out.
Does that count?
I had a squirrel run into my wheel at 20 mph. He got caught in the spokes, made 2 full revolutions and ran out the other side. I think his friends double dog dared him.
Same, but for me it was an owl.
Haha! Maggies starting to swoop in Hawkes Bay now. They are the province’s mascot and our rugby team has black and white striped scrip. I have no problem with the swooping birds but a couple of my riding mates hate them. Gives me great opportunities to give them stick! …….” and Quardle oodle ardle wardle doodle
The magpies said.”
Well known NZ poem.
That’s some serious tire clearance on your bike
Actually - Bauke Mollema had two encounters with birds last week
The first encounter took place during a training ride:
Years ago a friend of mine had a cat run into his front wheel and get caught up in the spokes. It basically got lifted up and hit the fork sending my friend over the bars. We were in a paceline moving along at well over 20 MPH at the time. Wasn’t a pretty crash.
Did not end well for the cat either…
Mine was between the wheels while descending at 40+ mph. I felt a slight bump as my rear wheel sliced off its tail. I slowed way down on the rest of the descend and let my friend take the lead.
Last weekend, 2 chipmunks crossed the single track trail right under my wheels as i was going downhill fast. One made it somehow and I heard the other hitting my rear rim with a little ding. I stopped and looked back and it wasn’t lying unconscious on the trail so it managed to get out - probably with a little skull concussion.
I have been chased by a peacock.
That’s all I’ve got. But those MFers can run!