Which episode was that?
So I fell behind on the podcasts. So over the last 2 months I went through 1 year of podcasts to catch up at 1.5 speed. So I heard podcasts with Amber and Pete in it just recently. I had no clue until 1 day ago the Amber, Pete, Chad are all gone. It’s like I time travelled to another dimension. I was thinking to make a suggestion a few days ago that I think a podcast with Chad, Amber, and Hannah would be fantastic . I guess the joke is on me.
Made this meme after feeling like I was putting in more effort than what my power meter was reading.
Mine reads low all the time. Even after calibrating. Damn technology.
We’ve all been there!
I’ve seen a two speed unicycle.
Slow and very slow. The same for mere mortal cyclist who at nearly 60 start to slow down and dream of when hills were laugh at. What head wind. Now even the slight breeze prompts a down shift. The poor Unicyclist can not adopt a nice low position on the drops.
Yesterday, I moved my Garmin pedals off of my main bike onto my trainer bike because I was certain the trainer wasn’t reading correctly. Let’s just say that the results were… disappointing.
Stop and go.
Has that bike not just and the fork removed. Incredible to maintain balance. It still has a steering tube. I missed the rear stays missing and front wheel straight of the bottom bracket. Felt what a design.
Yeah, that is a simple photo-chop, not a real bike.
That said, large wheel uni’s with aero bars DO exist:
As do geared uni’s:
TRAILS (A before I) for sure, and some do TRIALS (I before A) as well:
I got a uni for my B-day back in 1996 and was an active 2-wheel bike trials rider… and made a joke about Uni Trials back then. I was not serious at all and everyone also had a good laugh. Wasn’t more than 5 years later when I saw the first person playing with real trials on 1 wheel
Trials (i before a) absolutely fascinates me. I’ve been riding for decades now, but I am still floored by the things Hans Rey did and the things Danny MacAskill does. It’s literally the Spinal Tap “Yngwie Malmsteem…why bother” example of mtb. “Might as well use my bike as a coffee table”.
No kidding. I’ve said this before, but Hans taught me how to ride trials without knowing it. I watched his VHS videos over and over to figure out how he moved the bike. Him and Ot Pi were the foundation of my trials skills, that I now use in all my riding one way or another.
As to the pros now, they are aliens and able to do stuff that seems impossible. Bike in trash indeed
Is that the new Tarmac SL8?
I want one.
Just think of the gainz!
Is that a disc brake on that uni? That can’t end well.