Cycling Memes and Jokes

And my brother who thought he could jump our sister, on his bike, off a 2x4 on a brick.

I still wonder who was stupider, him, or her. And, yeah it ended as well as you could imagine. They both avoided a trip to the hospital though, which was pretty amazing. ‘Stupid sibling tricks’? And who would have thought that there would be both a device to record these incidents and a service where others could see, laugh, and cringe at them. Born too early…


There are so many of these stupid things we did when we were young that would have burned the ‘net - had there been such a thing back then.


Finally the top tube bag I’ve been looking for.



LOVED those videos!! Squirrels are wicked smart…

I haven’t watched the videos, but is anything that intentionally runs in front of a moving car really wicked smart?

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This is why many gravel bikes are moving to longer top tubes and shorter stems. No one wants to be stuck only carrying a 4 pack so they can avoid hitting their knees.



The ‘fixes’ I saw coming in on donated bikes at a recycle-a-bike. Yikes…

Had to laugh, numerous bikes came in with ‘solutions’ for quick release wheels. Wow…

Everyone makes bad decisions, but most of them do make it across fine. I think it’s a game with them.

On a related note, I sat at an intersection watching a baby mouse run across a local state highway with a center left turn lane. I thought it was going to be squished for sure, but it made it. I was so shocked, I think I applauded… Wow, so amazing.

EDIT: 5 lanes during noon rush hour! I was impressed. I had to keep watching because it was so crazy and I was nearly cheering it on that journey. So insane, so amazing, the suspense. :flushed: :smile:


The inventor of a way to offload memories will make billions… :laughing: :rofl: :thinking:


When I was a kid, my older brother told me that if I rode as fast as I could and then jumped off the back I’d stay standing up. In short, wouldn’t be a funny story if I didn’t try it.

I’d wonder how I made it to adulthood, but the answer to that is, fittingly, ‘idiot triathlete’ and ‘career in experimental physics.’


That last line made me laugh. Awesome!

At a dinner party years ago, people were stuck talking about all the stuff that happened to them when they were kids. I shared a few things, and then said ‘We survive our childhoods under incredible odds’. The laughs were plentiful, and it’s true. Probably more so for today’s kids, sadly. Bike crashes, falling out of trees, near drowning at scout camp, parental driving habits, siblings (although I was the oldest), etc… HAH!! :laughing:

America needs more free range kids!!!


Rush hour is before and after the typical work day. I’m not just gonna sit here idle while you make up other rush hours!


imagine your have the lightest bike but then you carry this…

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Not only parental. Trust me.

Its a good reason to get the lightest bike possible just to use that


Thanks for that Mr Happy…

It’s actually fairly busy throughout the day, and appears to actually have a noonish rush hour.

It’s actually a road that many around here try to avoid. There are so many accidents and pedestrian injuries. So what did they do? Mucked up the traffic light timing. Sure, that solved the whole thing. I also never see bikes on it. And that mouse made it across. Wild…

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Oh, true! Forgot that my brother had an unbroken record of totaling every car he got from the parents. And he survived, unscathed, from each of them. He once told me he was pissed I got the old family station wagon. I said ‘Yeah, I can see it wrapped around a tree right now’. He didn’t laugh. Heck, I sold him my old dirt bike after moving out of the house, and the next day managed to wreck that too. (popped out of a trail right in front of a car. Laughed that one of the rear shocks broke and the spring was never found. Still has a slight limp)

Told him he should stick to bicycles. He didn’t laugh then either. He had a gift, that’s for sure. He’s fared better since resembling an adult. He’s only got one ex-wife, so far… I was the one that got dad’s car stuck between two trees out in the forest that’s now filled with mcmansions. :smile: :man_facepalming: He brings it up occasionally…

You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.


Can’t argue with that logic. :grinning:

Sounds a bit like my brother in law when he was younger, he managed to total a few but thought he was a great driver. My sister unfortunately had one crash in that period (thankfully going too slow to do any damage). He always remembers the latter and not his own crashes which were far worse. I think, touchwood the racing driver spirit has finally left him though :joy:

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I think people grow out of that. I remember my day as a speed demon. I hit 110 on a county road, and knew that was not the way I wanted to die. Never did it again. Well except for a NASCAR experience I did on a whim. It sure was hard following the speed limit on the way home from that one! :flushed: :sunglasses: