Cycling Memes and Jokes

Picture of a “support crew” I assume, from the Coast to Coast 204 mile gravel race in MI this past weekend. Brutal conditions and I’m sure this “lifted spirits.”


Reminds me of a Monty Python sketch involving milkmen.

I bet there’s a dozen or so riders in the back of that van😂


Is there already a new flavor, The Rog Bull?


Good to have Boss so prominently!

Stolen from reddit


Ha. I’m the opposite.


woke up at 6am to let the dog out and do my ride, put the tour on and passed back out until 10, no ride no tour.


When the organizer gives you a steep hill at mile 101 on the 100 mile ride:


When you crank out an awful, slow century on insufficient training:

Your body when waking up early for the century ride after a stressful, exhausting week at work:


Did Garmin just call me fat?


If it said ‘find downhill routes’ I’d die :joy:


Wife: How does it make sense to drive an hour to ride your bike?
Me: Hills…
Wife: But that’s a waste of gas and time!
Me: We could move…
Wife: Have fun, be careful…
Me: :person_shrugging:


I agree with your wife.

I’ve only recently driven somewhere to ride, for the first time. It’s a weird sensation, and I feel like a fraud packing away the bike, but logistics required it and, I was out driving for another reason already…so partly an excuse.


This is why I “routinely” ride my CX bike on single track… I get there faster on the CX bike than I would the 29er and I hate the idea of giving up 60 minutes of “me time” to sit in the car and drive to the trails, ride and then drive home.


Depends on where you are going to ride. Some locations are absolutely worth it.

That said, I do think it’s funny when e-bikers drive their trucks off road to get the very closest parking spot to go ride their powered bicycle. :rofl:


I’ve been thinking about it for some time, for running also. I’m totally bored with the area I live in.

Finding nice places is another thing, but it does mean confronting one of the benefits - not using a car.

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Same, until discovered


I do feel a little guilty, but I couldn’t safely ride there and back. I can also do hours worth of riding, and have done really long rides (3+ hours) there, but it’s a fairly safe environment to ride, and the problem is how to get there and survive to do the ride. What’s the sense in getting killed/injured on the way to a safe environment to ride, and blow through your stamina and nerves getting there, and then knowing you have to run the gantlet again to get back. A well known cyclist in the area was run over (apparently nearly not an overstatement) by a youngling college student reading a freaking book(!) while driving on a county road that was fairly popular with area cyclists. She hit him so hard and so ‘well’, and he was on the shoulder! We cyclists have to protect ourselves in an environment where distracted and buzzed/drunk drivers is far more likely to happen now. I wish I had a more environmentally conscious way to drag my bike around, but I will still do it occasionally because that’s the best I can do to get out there and ride outside. If we had the kind of mass transit that Europe has in many areas, it wouldn’t be a problem. I think doing that drive every day is a disaster, but once a week or a couple times a month is at least taking the method to get there into consideration.

But, yeah, I get it…

At a group ride back 4 to 5 years ago, someone drove nearly an hour for a group ride, got there and realized they forgot their shoes. They wear size 11, so how many people would have a spare pair, and how many carry spare shoes anyway? Another ride, someone forgot their bike! Those examples are tragic because the environment wasted was truly wasted. sigh

(How much is that electric VW bus?)



I’ve had Flat Specialist for so long I stopped being even mildly curious about whether it changed. But this post inspired me to check. After about a 30-40% increase in volume over previous years, much improved consistency, and new power PRs pretty much across the board, I got this: