I’m traveling to Mallorca in almost a month to bike for 6 days. Will probably be a lot of mountains but also some flat rounds.
I’m finishing of the Sweet Spot Base next week and after that I will only have 2 weeks until I leave for Mallorca (1st of April). Any suggestions on how I should train during those two weeks? I realize that it might be a little too close to the trip but are there any workouts that are better suited for maximizing for a trip like this? And also, how close to the trip is it optimal to workout?
Firstly, regardless of what you do you are going to have a massive training load while you are there, so you want a de-load period on either side of the trip. How we structure this is interesting.
I would continue on as normal. Start build on time, and do your intervals at the training camp. This will require a bit more discipline, as you will be doing 5 minute intervals up a 40 minute climb rather than just riding it as fast as you can but it would be more useful I think. Plus you can add tons of lower intensity work, and have a very nice high volume polarized week of training. Plus, if you stay on schedule the week you get back is a recovery week when you get back, so that is great timing.
The alternative is to extend SSB until the trip, take the week before as a recovery week, have a little 3 day recovery period at the start of next week and then train through the next couple of weeks with more SS. The reason being, is it is likely that what you will be doing there is a lot of long rides and SS work on the climbs, so I don’t see the point in starting build only to have it punctuated with a week of lower intensity work. Then take a couple of days easy when you get home and start build.
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Me? I’d just continue onto the Sustained power build plan, possibly low volume. I’ve ridden on Mallorca a few times. It is fantastic. There can be some long, not necessarily steep, but long climbs. It would be a natural continuation of the sustained power build and for the easier days, you could do a route on the flatland. Mallorca is great like that. Both possibilities are right there at your bidding.
When you get back, you could pick up the sustained power build and just keep going.
Thanks guys! Really good input. I think I’ll try the Sustained Power Build low volume for a couple of weeks before I leave and maybe just do 4-5 days of rest before the trip.
I would repeat the last 2 weeks of SS and rest a few days for the trip. After the trip take rest days and continue into build
I’m guessing it’ll be your first time on the island? You’re in for a treat!! Beautiful doesn’t do it justice.
I think that the sheer variety will help you maximise the trip, without the need to adjust your training. Coastal rides for a nice easy day, over to Puig Major when you fancy a day with some lumps. There is nothing too taxing on the island so you’ll be able to put mountain days back-to-back with relative ease.
Just be careful if it rains. The mountain roads are like silk in the dry and ice in the wet. Hopefully you won’t get any wet days.
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It’s actually my third time on Mallorca, but the first time I’ve had a trainer during the winter so that I can come prepared
Really looking forward to it!
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As others have said, just continue on to the build phase for two weeks.
Two days completely off the bike prior to the first day of riding in Mallorca should be sufficient and then your recovery will line up nicely with your return.
Try not to smash it up every climb and have clear objectives for each day i.e. day 1 - entirely zone 2, day 2 - zone 2 with sweet spot on climbs etc… This can be quite hard in mallorca as it’s a cycling mecca and no-one likes being overtaken on a climb!
I’d factor in either day 3 or 4 as a short zone 1 coffee stop ride - although the coffee in Spain leaves a lot to be desired!
Have fun!
I would probably postpone the recovery week of SSB for the week just before Mallorca and in the meantime I would repeat the last two weeks of SSB2. Depends also how you feel now. As others have mentioned, Mallorca will be a big training load so you want to come recovered and recover afterwards as well. Coach Chad talked about it on the Podcast recently too.
I’m in a similar situation. Started SSB1 just after Christmas skipped the recovery week at the end and went straight into SSB2 so that I can have recovery week next week and leave for two weeks on Mallorca
Skipping the recovery week wasn’t ideal but managed pretty ok. While there I will probably do something similar to my last training camp that went very well - VO2Max (1.5-2 hours), easy (4 hours), uphill SS of FTP intervals (2-2.5 hours), easy with perhaps some SS if feeling good (5+ hours), rest day and repeat. Have to figure out if I can squeeze in some weights and running too.
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Just so I follow, when you say “recovery week” you’re talking about the Pettit/Beech/Andrews-week right? I realized I just got to that week now and I’m thinking I should step it up instead of having a recovery/lower intense week now?
That’s right. Recovery week (as opposed to rest week) is still work but less intense so that you can recover.
If you are feeling good you can try what I suggested (continue with some “work weeks”) and have a recovery week just before Mallorca.