So, it was bound to happen… My wife and kids have all been sick in the last couple of weeks, and until now I stood strong.Last night I woke up with that taste in my mouth, and I knew I was going down. I’m halfway through SSBMV1 and I skipped McAdie, and I suspect I’ll need to skip tomorrow’s workout too. Maybe I’ll do something really easy like Taku if I feel up to it. What would you do? Just skip the two days’ workouts, or pick up where I left off, thereby pushing back the whole schedule? Ugh, being sick is sooooo boring!
Great ideas in this thread…
Personally, take the time to rest, stay nourished and keep hydrated.
Ya, I basically go by the thought that if the sickness is in my chest or body, I’m resting. If it’s in my head (snotty, stuffed up) I’ll ride.
If I need to take more than a few training days off, I’m going back to the previous week to start building the intensity again from something a little more tolerable.
I hope it passes quickly for ya!
Another ref for you from the TR team.
In the same situation as you just before Christmas
From a practical point of view I pushed the entire plan out a week, and did a few very low intensity workouts instead just to hold my fitness. I found low level riding tolerable under the circumstances and helped lift my mood,
This week has been bad for me, missing 3 sessions so I am going to repeat the week. I have no long term race that I am planning for so it seems sensible to me.
Thanks guys