I’ve been using my Saris H3 and a Crux without a power meter for SSB I and II. As I’m moving into my Build block I want to start taking some of my training rides outdoors, but those rides will be on a different bike with a power2max meter.
Will using a different power source (P2Max) on the outdoor rides throw off my prescribed training effect and if so, how do other people deal with this?
I have same problem: my Neo 1 is reading appr 15-20 Watts lesser than my Assiomas Duo - or vice versa: Duos are reading more. I’ve done calibration of Assiomas, seems to be very consistent and accurate.
Eventually I think I gave up and smashed a few % of measurement down in Assioma configuration to have same power readings from both Neo and Assioma pedals.
Not ideal, it will affect my power curve (and my ego as well) but I couldn’t find any better way.
it seems to be a common story for the Neo line trainers.
I’m curious whether your Assioma pedals read even higher when you switch into the big ring or higher gears in general.
The difference can be as high as 25 watts for me when i’m riding in the big ring compared to my s-works power crank.
I have exactly the same issue with my NEO and Vector3’s. I double or triple cal the Vectors before every ride and see the exact same thing.
Without actually pulling the data and doing some mini ramps, eyeballing it looks like the relationship is fairly linear. But, way too much of a delta to be merely drivetrain losses. like way too much. above 300W I regularly see a 35-40W split in the big ring (52-15). maybe 20-ish in the small ring (36-24 or so).
So are you guys just mentally accounting for the higher wattage when riding outdoors or can you change the intensity of the workout to match or something?
Also, I just started looking into using the seasons feature and wondering if this would be a good application, one season for trainer FTP and a second season dedicated to a different power source/meter?