Figured I would start a thread to see what everyone does for training load tracking. I have tried everything from Polar Cardio Load, Garmin Training Load, Strava Relative Effort and Fitness, Training Peaks TSS based on both power and heart rate, and now Trainer Road TSS/ Progression Levels. More recently, I have use HRV for acute training load and chronic training load.
For triathletes in particular, how do all of you approach quantifying loads? Does Trainer Road generate a TSS from running yet? I know they estimate TSS based on heart rate for cycling and wanted to see if we have an estimate of TSS for running based on heart rate yet. Also, for those who train with TSS how do all of you approach a TSS goal for a metric that is based usually on power? For those who swim, bike, and run (usually) one of those sports has power but the others don’t. How is TSS accurate if there isn’t power involved? HRV has been the most useful day to day metric I have used recently to know my physiological load, but, I can’t say for long term training load I have found a reliable system outside of Training Peaks TSS.