So you have an unpopular opinion that you voiced in the main thread What are your Unpopular Cycling Opinions but you want to keep discussing it? Do it here
Remember forum rules! Shamelessly stolen from here
This is a Place to Learn, Disagree and be Entertained
This is a place to talk about all things bike or triathlon related (including nutrition and weight training).
Have a question about the app, your training plan, or device? Reach out to instead of posting here. Our support team has the best visibility and insight into your devices, workouts and adaptations, and will help get you the most efficient and effective answer to your question.
There are just a few rules.
- Be excellent to each other
- Challenge the idea, don’t attack the person
- Contribute Constructively
- Don’t break the law
- Keep it tidy
Be Excellent to Each Other
Speak to people like you would in person. It sounds simple but the forum can be so much more valuable if we just show each other a little kindness.
Challenge the Idea, not the Person
This builds on rule #1. The best arguments focus on the idea rather than the person who’s communicating the idea, whether it’s someone on the forum or a public figure. Let’s avoid making things personal and strive to live in the “counterargument” and above. And opinion is important! This is cycling, lots of stuff is subjective.
Contribute Constructively
Constructive debate creates a safe place for people to respectfully express their opinions and learn through the process of debate. It is an amazing thing when it works, so keep comments well-intentioned and act in good faith. If your comment only serves to create dissent or inhibit a conversation, please keep it to yourself!
Don’t Break the Law
Linking to copyrighted cycling videos is a no-no. Don’t link to those knock off frames and helmets that look cheap but could actually injure another cyclist.
Normal stuff like that, don’t be stupid.
In short, discuss but don’t be mean. Lets keep it fun but have a discussion!