Do you use/follow garmin training metrics?

You probably should just stop. There’s no use continuing. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I find it moderately ironic that I my “fitness age” changes by six months depending on whether I weigh myself before or after “voiding” myself in the AM…

I’m 34.5 years old after I take a poop, but I’m 35 before I take a poop. (I’m 41 and want to be 27, that would be a very large poop).


Ditch the watch :wink: my garmin fitness age only goes off the edge, powermeter, hr strap and maybe weight data inputted manually from my digital scales but I don’t believe its accurate at all, its got me at a Fitness age of 20, I’m 48. The scales and their app has me at a ‘body age’ of 38; which sounds more realistic!

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I suspect if I fudged my weight to “disgustingly tiny uphill specialist weight” I’d drop into the 20s… My BMI isn’t crazy high for an American, but any metric that includes BMI without a “Lean muscle” calculation is basically chickensh(t.


Me too :grin: I generally ignore their recommendations to train or rest and go with red light green light , which today told me to rest / light endurance - vs garmin which said I’m well recovered and readiness is high . I know it’s not … and even an endurance workout would give me a red day tomorrow… so I’m saving myself for tomorrow. I also feel their HRV is a little laggy compared to ithlete which Iv used for the last year , but also find that frustrating at times

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Absolutely. For me readiness, sleep score, HRV and body battery matches 100% to the extent that I am a bit frighten of it. I have used it since it since it came out. But first and foremost I listen to my body :slight_smile: remember to do that.


Yep. I’ve definitely learned over the years to learn to listen to my body and error on the side of more rest. I do recall years ago when I was training for triathlons and doing more volume I figured out once I hit a certain weekly TSS I was likely soon to get a little extra fatigued. Sort of a tipping point for me

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